This is a picture of my friend Floyd. He truly is a man that lives by faith. I respect him greatly.
This morning, I was overwhelmed with shock over the lack of faith Abraham showed to God Almighty. Look at these passages with me: Genesis 12:2, 7, 13:5-6, 15:3-6, 17. These passages reveal to us about God's promise for Abraham (then called Abram) to have descendents. Not just a child, but in the future, more than 1! God revealed His glorious plan to Abraham and yet there were times that Abraham showed lack of faith. Look at these passages with me: Genesis 16, 17:17!!! WHAT HAPPENED! In the previous chapters, God (more than once) revealed to Abraham that he and Sarah would have a child...and yet there is a lack of faith. I wonder, do we ever do the same?
I love what Jesus wrote at the end of Matthew 6. As regenerated believers in Jesus Christ, why do we worry? Why do we live days in uncertainty. Why do we ask ourselves and others questions about the future? Do we truly seek first His Kingdom and HIS righteousness? I was challenged this morning by these chapters in Genesis. My back hurts this morning, so this post will be a bit short. Friend, I encourage you to trust in the Spirit to radiate your faith for the glory of the Father. Through His Son, rejoice in your salvation and remain obedient today.
So often, we want mountain top experiences that increase our faith. Don't trust and expect mountains, trust and expect GOD. I'm currently reading a book entitled Faith and Doubt by John Ortberg. He writes, "If I spend too much time on the mountain, I may be in danger of worshiping the mountain where I met God instead of worshiping God. I'll just want the experience, the feeling, the high." (page 76). I wonder if Abraham just wanted the experience. I wonder if he wanted to "feel" that one day he "might" have descendents? I wonder if we in our own feeble minds tend to rely on feelings but lose sight on trusting in our Sovereign Lord and King every day. My encouragement to you as I've posted before, "seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness" (Matthew 6:33).
Hate to break it to ya, but Jesus didn't write anything. The Bible was written by humans under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, but I'll bet you knew that. LOL. Anyway, we musn't confuse the actions of the Persons of the Trinity. I suppose you could say that the Holy Spirit "wrote" the Bible, but that too would be an overstatement. Ok, I'm rambling.
Abraham is the Father of faith, and yes, even he doubted sometimes. But I for one know that he is far more faithful than myself. He followed God to an unknown land just because God told him to. He doubted, but be honest... he waited a LONGGGGG time to see God's promises about a child fulfilled.
Thank you for your kind correction. Jesus SPOKE those words. The Holy Spirit empowered writers of old to write of the glory of God Almighty. penned by human hands under the power of His marvelous Spirit. Thank you for reading my blog and sharing that with me.
I miss Floyd.
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