Last night was a blessing. It was my turn to preach at Oikos (this is a Greek word, which means "house"; which is what we call our High School worship night). We have begun a new series entitled, "Got Questions?" The series opened last night with a message called, "OT Laws...why?" I enjoyed opening this series. I believe the Spirit led us, as a beautiful symphony of believers, to the throne room. I love corporate worship with my students. I love praising the King. I'm grateful for oikos. If you live close to Acworth, GA, and are in grades 9th-12th, I invite you to join us each Wednesday night, at 6:30pm, upstairs in the student center at Summit Baptist Church.
Ok, I got the "promotional side" out of the way, now to the good stuff. I'd like to share with you some of what I preached last night. The main passage of scripture was Matthew 5:17, when Jesus said, "Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill." I love what Christ does here. In response to the religious leaders' accusations, the King proclaimed gloriously that His purpose was to fulfill the law...basically, to show us that the Old Testament points to Him. How, you may ask? Please look at these three major points gathered from the Word:
Keep in mind; probaly 613 laws. All fulfilled in Christ. (If you want to read something cool, read Matthew 22:36-40).
1. Jesus fulfilled the moral law. The moral law focused mainly on the Sabbath. I love what Jesus said in Matthew 12:8, "For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath." This is powerful stuff! He took the Old Covenant law of the Sabbath by fulfilling it within Himself. Our way to focusing on God isn't by simply setting aside a full day a week, but to set each day in His watch, in His glory, as He brings us to our focus on the Father! The moral law had much to do with the hearts of people. This is why Jesus began the Sermon on the Mount with Matthew 5:3-12; often known as the Beattitudes. The condition of the heart, the moral law of God's people was fulfilled in His Son; our Lord of the Sabbath.
2. Jesus fulfilled the judical law. This had to deal mainly with the many laws involving dietary restrictions, cleansing processes, clothing, etc. All of these laws were made in order for God to "set apart" His people. These laws, through the faith of God's people, led them to be a holy nation. Jesus fulfilled that, by His death on the cross; which led to the glorious grace of adoption. Read John 1:12. We have been justified through His blood, set apart daily (sanctified, Romans 8:30, the process of being set apart), and glorified through the Son. His death, burial, and resurrection set us apart as God's children. Once again, Jesus fulfilled this law.
3. Finally, Jesus fulfilled the ceremonial law. This dealt mainly with all the sacrifice laws. Once a year, the high priest, would go beyond the veil, into the holy of holies, and make a sacrifice for the people. This would be done each year. Jesus, according to Hebrews, made 1 eternal sacrifice; His own life, for us. We are told in Scripture now that God has made His dwelling in us because of that! (read Romans 8:1-9). WOW. Jesus fulfilled the ceremonial law by going to the cross, out of obedience to the Father, for our sins! Soli Deo Gloria!
So, it is safe to say that from Genesis 1:1-Malachi 4:6, it all points to Jesus. I praise Him, for He has redeemed my soul, gave me access to the Father, and the beauty of setting me apart daily.
I have found my rest in the King. Where do you rest?
1 comment:
Man, I wish I could come on Wednesday nights... :(
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