Monday, May 18, 2009

Lets Live by the Truth... shall we?

My soul is burdened by the overwhelming amount of Christ followers that don't follow Christ. In all practical senses, why even take that name, "Christ follower"? Before you read on and think this is a post bashing other Christians, please know my heart and where I stand. I've been a born again believer in Christ for more than a decade now. I've been serving the local bride as a youth minister for over 8 years. In that short amount of time, I come to the daily realization to my depravity and need for Christ. I especially have found delight in the song, "All we Need" by Charlie Hall. I believe that the more that I live my life in delighting in Christ and not the pleasures of this world, I see sin more for what it is and grace for more of what I don't deserve. It's humbling, yet beautiful, to be a Christ follower. He is my treasure. He is my delight. He is the reason why I wake up in the morning and the reason why I get so excited to open the Bible. He makes sense out of suffering and allows all seasons in my life to bring Him glory. It's great. Take a moment sometime and read Colossians 1:15-23 and Philippians 2:5-11. What beauty!

I work with teenagers. I see many teenagers; both church kids and non churched kids walk inside the halls. I see them all struggling to find truth and sense in their lives. I can deal with lost students that come with questions. I can deal with redeemed students that confess and struggle with sin, but yet give it over to Christ daily. However, I'm struggling with those that take the title and yet don't belong to it.

I love this verse, "For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing." (2 Corinthians 2:15, ESV).

Take a moment and digest that verse. Look at the word, "aroma." In the original language, it translates: good-scentedness, i.e. fragrance -- sweet savour (smell, -smelling). Because we are connected to Christ, our vine (John 15), we are blessed with the sweet privilege of bearing the fruit of His Name (Matthew 7:15-20), we are His workmanship (Ephesians 2:10), we are His messengers of truth (Acts 1:8), we are His preachers (Mark 16:15), and the result is we treasure Him above the things of this world (Matthew 6:19-24).

What scent do you have? Are you walking in His Light? (1 John 1:5-10). I have looked at facebook pages, seen notes left in the student center, witnessed conversations in the church, saw lyrics posted on myspace, and even seen unhealthy relationships before my eyes...and then I see stuck in the middle of all that mess; CHRISTIAN. It makes no sense. Does that really define "Christ follower"? Does that really communciate to a lost world of the power of Christ in us? I read passages like Galatians 1:4 and John 17:15 and see that we are saved daily from the evils of this world...which in turn gives us a sweet aroma daily of the One that redeemed us!

Imagine this with me. Lets say that I walk up to you and try to convince you that I'm a hockey player. I'm such a good player that I even start for the St. Louis Blues (I actually made up this lie once in the 7th grade to get friends...I know, sad). Lets say that you are convinced (you're also not that bright, I guess). Lets say you tell others that you found out that I was a St. Louis Blues hockey player. They wanted to meet me and ask questions about the game. One night, you invite me over and I graciously accepted the invitation. I simply thought that we were just going to have a good night together. However, to my surprise, when I arrived to your house, you and a few others were there with questions. After a few steps in the process, you discovered that I wasn't a hockey player. I lied and convinced you that I belonged to the team, but in all reality, I barely attended a few games as a fan! You found out through:

1. My lack of experience as a player
2. My lack of knowledge of the game
3. No evidence of stats, pictures, videos, etc. of me playing
4. No roster spot
5. No idea of how to get into the ice arena!
6. I had all my teeth
7. And so on....

I think Jesus meant something when He said, "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter." (Matthew 7:21).

Repent. Confess your sins. Fall at the mercy of Christ, your King. Treasure Him daily. Find all your delight in Him alone. Allow His Word to lighten your path (Psalm 119:105). May you take the name, and live your life by the truth...shall you?

Soli Deo Gloria!


1 comment:

Brooke said...

"I had all my teeth" haha I love it!

ON a more serious note, this is truly a tragedy. I think the worst part is that they actually think they are Christians, even though they have no idea what that really means. They are completely disillusioned...