Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Bouncy Ball Returns

Brace yourself, this is story time. (I'm leaving out many parts, because it could be like how I preach....long winded)

Back in the Summer of 2002, I was going through a difficult season of ministry. I was only 20 at the time, and my position at my first church was going through difficult waters. I had students that were walking away from their faith, parents that were apathetic, and a pastor that was clueless on ministry in general (shortly after this summer, he was asked to leave). After a few nights of tough moments and hopeless efforts in planning and leading, my flesh came out hard. I watched my college friends go out on the mission field, work summer camps, and do "college type stuff." I was in a church of under 100 people, slaving away to lead students that just didnt' care...because their parents didn't care...because the pastor really didn't care. I remember one night, I laid down in my bed, with eyes saturated with tears, wanting to quit. In fact, I came pretty close to quitting that next day. That next day, I woke up to a life changing, Spirit filled conversation with a friend that has forever changed my view of ministry. Stephen Quinn, I love you my brother, and praise God for the husband and father you are.

Stephen walked into my apartment to say goodbye to me before making the summer trip home. His plans were to work a summer job and take summer classes...while preparing to buy an engagement ring for his precious bride; Tarah. The door knocks, I open, and the Sovereign Lord spoke through my friend.

Let me tell you a little about Stephen's job. At that time, he was a campus police officer. His job didn't really see alot of "action" (car chases, gun fights, etc.) Most of his job was centered around locking the different buildings on campus and telling the middle school aliens (middle schoolers that walked our campus that really didn't seem like they were from Earth) to go home. One night, there was an arrest made because of drugs..or something of that nature (we like to build this part of the story up, because if it was unpaid, illegal bike parking, that would be lame). Upon the arrest, his possessions were labeled. One of his possessions that night was a bouncy ball. It has the number "14" on it; kind of like a pool ball. After the school year ended, the ball remained at the station. When Stephen came over that day, he tossed me the ball and encouraged me to have a fun summer with my students. Of course, I aired my dirty laundry to him which resulted in him praying for me and walking to his car.

Later that night, I had to go to walmart (probaly for no reason, because there is nothing to do in Murray, KY when the school year ends...many window shop in walmart). When I was about to walk out my door, I noticed the bouncy ball sitting near the window. It seemed to be a silly idea, but I grabbed the ball and took it with me to walmart in order to bounce it around as I walked around...alone (because no girlfriend either...but now I have Brooke, so BOO YAH). That night, I found myself smiling for the first time in a while. The ball would roll out my of hand, down aisles, only to make senior adults mad as well as the children giggle. I bounced it back and forth that night and my stress, my worries, my fears were hidden. I found myself laughing at times. I went home, and went to bed with a smile that left my face for months prior to the evening.

The next morning, I woke up and brought the ball with me to the church office. It was funny, because the same thing happened; I smiled. I bounced it here and there, made up some games with some middle school boys that came by to see me, and went to bed with a smile. This process seemed to repeat itself for many days to follow.

The best part of this journey happened in my quiet time just shortly after the ball was given to me. I came across Matthew 6:19-24. In this passage, Jesus is talking about how money and treasures on the earth only bring destruction, not eternal security or joy. In verse 21, Jesus said something that really brought the purpose behind the ball in my hands, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." In this passage, I was brought to my knees in worship. For so long, I was trying to carry ministry on my back as a football coach was trying to force his hopeless team to win games. I was attempting to do the impossible; change people's lives and make bad things better. I realized that in my best efforts, I couldn't come close to doing ministry. Even though I do know that the passage is mainly talking about money, especially when you get to verse 24 (This note is for my dear brothers: Ben, Canyon, and Bruce, who know the Word well!), I believe the Spirit spoke to me in brilliant ways that day.

Years later, I connected the ball to Matthew 6:25-34. I love how we have passages that help us eliminate the sin of anxiety and to seek first HIS Kingom and HIS righteousness!

For the next 2-3 years, I gave away close to 6,000- 7,000 bouncy balls to students as I preached the Gospel and ministered to them at summer camps as well as my own church ministry.

However, something stranged has happened lately. For the past 3 1/2 years, I've tried to grow up too quickly without walking daily with the simple joy in Christ as I did as a 20 year old. Don't get me wrong, I walk daily in Him, by HIs Word, through His Spirit...but there have been many seasons lately in which I try in my own efforts to do ministry without completely relying on the Spirit to joyfully guide me to do the will of the Father. Yesterday, if you read my blog, you may have seen some comments I wrote about a bad day I had. Well, this morning, after spending great time with the Father, I brought a bouncy ball with me to the office. It is the original "14" ball. I took it with me to Starbucks as I encouraged a hurting student. Its sitting next to me right now, reminding me of the importance of walking daily with the joy and trust in the Lord God Almighty who will do whatever He wills, for His Glory and by His grace...using adopted children such as us to serve as instrumentalists in His vast orchestra.

Soli Deo Gloria!!!.....

Buy a bouncy ball and take it with you today. Read Matthew 6:19-34. Enjoy and treasure Him today.


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