Sunday, July 26, 2009

Stars of Glory

I just returned home after a long, but wonderful Sunday with my church family. I love coming home with such joy after spending the day studying the Scriptures and rejoicing in the grace of our Lord, with my family. There is just something that stirs within my soul that words cannot articulate when it comes to sweet fellowship with the bride. I sincerely hope that you are involved in a local church body. I hope you don't waste your days here for your own selfishness rather than growing in likeness of Christ, the Living Stone; who reveals Himself so beautifully within the living stones...(Just read 1 Peter 2). When the bride is the bride from the Bible, than true worship occurs. When the bride offends the Gospel and makes a mockery of the holiness of God... than true heresy occurs. Which one do you prefer?

Anyways, random; I know. I apologize. Now onto what I really wanted to share...

Tonight at the Answers Academy class, we discussed the beauty and glory of God found in astronomy. Ever look up at the sky at night and ponder thoughts of God's beauty found in stars that you cannot fully see? Here are some passages that deal with His glory found in stars:

1. Genesis 1:16...God made the two great lights - the greater light to have dominion over the day and the lesser light to have dominion over the night-as well as the stars.

2. Psalm 8:3...When I observe Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you set in place,

3. Matthew 2:2...For we saw His star in the east...and have home to worship Him.

4. Philippians 2:15...(we are called, my adding for the context), children of God who are faultless in a crooked and perverted generation, among whom you shine like stars in the world.

5. And of course one of my favorites.. the reference to Christ in Revelation 22:16, The root and the offspring of David, the Bright Morning Star

So, it begs the question; why are stars mentioned in these contexts? I look in these passages and see a beautiful parallel, perhaps. God spoke all into existence, through His Word. We see His creation shining His beauty, His glory, which eventually led to the first recorded worshippers of Jesus (other than His earthly family). We see that we are labeled as stars that shine in a dark and perverted world that needs His marvelous light (see also 1 Peter 2:9). We see Christ labeled as the BRIGHT MORNING STAR, which gives the gift of a new day, the gift of life and light, the joy of a promise fulfilled by the grace of our Wonderful Maker. Stars shine the glory of God for in them, we are reminded of how small we are, but yet privileged to be called His adopted sons (see John 1:12). WHAT GRACE AND GLORY! Our Father has given us the gift of His pardon, the passing of His judgment onto His Son, and gives us His glory...the gift of Himself! We are now looked at (as originally created in our earthly parents; Adam and Eve), as VERY GOOD... why? Because the Bright and Morning Star; King Jesus, shines in us! Our sin for His righteousness. Our darkness for His light. Our brokenness for His beauty.

I like the words of this song:

you should see the stars tonight how they shimmer shine so bright against the black they look so white comin down from such a height to reach me now, reach me now

you should see the moon in the flight cuttin cross the misty night softly dancin in sunshine reflections of this light reach me now, you reach me now

and how could such a thing shine its light on me and make everything beautiful again

and you should feel the sun in the spring comin out after a rain suddenly all is green sunshine on everything i can feel it now, i feel you now

and how could such a thing shine its light on me and make everything beautiful and you should hear the angels sing all gathered round their king more beautiful than you could dream i've been quietly listening you can hear 'em now, i hear em now

and how could such a king shine His light on me and make everything beautiful and i wanna shine i wanna be light i wanna tell you it'll be alright and i wanna shine and i wanna fly just to tell you now it'll be alright, it'll be alright it'll be alright.

cus i got nothing of my own to give to you but this light that shines on me shines on you and makes everything beautiful,'ll be alright, it'll be alright.
Stars by David Crowder

May His gracious Spirit draw you today to shine His beautiful light to those that are perishing in the dark. May you shine brilliantly as one of His countless stars (see Genesis 22:17).

Soli Deo Gloria!

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