Friday, March 19, 2010

Outward appearances don't impress me

Today, I was in Lifeway Christian bookstore casually looking at children's books with Brooke and Eden. While we were in the store, I noticed a man entering the store dressed in his finest. His luxurious car was parked just a few spots away from mine. As I watched and listened to his conversation, I quickly picked up on the fact that he seemed to be a pastor. Trying my best not to judge him, I looked at books to steal away my attention. It was hard. His expensive suit, loud talking, and arrogant demeanor simply floored me. Outward appearances don't impress me.

This morning, I read 1 Thessalonians 2. Verse 8 was a challenge for me. In this verse, Paul writes, "We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us." Paul's love for that church drew him to give not only eloquent sermons and letters...but also a passion to share some of his life with the people. The verse dripped humility right off the page. I was speechless. I was convicted. I was burdened.

Please join me back in my Lifeway story. As I was watching this man pace back and forth in the bookstore, I began to wonder about what pastors should and shouldn't do. My area of ministry today is students. Some would call me a "youth director" or "youth coordinator." I personally see myself in the role of being a pastor to students at my church. I see the importance of not only preaching the Gospel to them, but living it with them daily. This man in the bookstore seemed to be important...and I'm convinced he knew he was! I wonder if those in his church see the Gospel in him? I wonder if my students see the Gospel in me?

I'm not impressed with flashy accomplishments or large successes in ministry. What impresses me is seeing pastors and leaders preach AND live the Gospel with their churches. We can't afford to waste our time and money on the worldly aspect of our jobs. May our words, our money, our resources, our time, and our passion be on living the Gospel.

I typed much more...but accidently deleted it.

Soli Deo Gloria!


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