This is the picture we wanted to get yesterday. Don't worry, I have the AUTHORITY to put it on here for FREE! That's the way to go.
Brooke and I had an interesting experience yesterday at a certain store that I'd prefer NOT to name. We went to this store "simply" to print out some of our pictures. In the past, this has been an easy process. We walk in the doors, go to the back of the store, and insert our flash drive into the photoshop computer. My goal was for this process to take less than 5 minutes so we could exit the store as soon as possible. I don't like stores. I don't like shopping. I don't like even thinking of it. (I encourage you to read an earlier post about the religion of mall shopping). This experience was different. Please permit me to explain.
Whenever you print pictures, the first screen that comes up will say something to the affect of "If you don't own these pictures...copyright....blah blah blah...punishment by blah blah blah... (do they really punish people?)... blah blah blah... do you agree these are your pictures? (such a deep question). So, we clicked "YES." Why? Because they were our pictures. Are you following me? These pictures were purchased from our photographer from our wedding. Brooke and I wanted to print some before Christmas. We paid much money for them. We wanted them. Well, this is where the story turns to the worst. We simply asked one of the ladies working the station about a picture issue and her direct answer was with a question (she must know Jesus or of Jesus). Her question was, "Did you take these?" Well... of course we didn't. We went on to explain to her that they were purchased from our photographer after the wedding. Her response after this amazed us! We needed a copyright signed paper or document saying that we had AUTHORITY to print the pictures! I asked her..."With all due respect, we are holding the pictures on this drive...isn't that the first clue that we purchased them since we have them." Her answer was hilarious. "Sir, you need something to show me that the photographer knows you are printing them." I asked her what kind of "something." She said an email or a note was fine. (Wow, we live in such a structured nation). I asked her more questions. "If we never asked you a question, than how would you know that we don't have on us a "something" that tells you we can print them?" Her response: "We wouldn't." More questions came. "Why would we sign the first screen saying we agree to the copyright laws." "Why even have this screen?" Anyways, If I were to tell you the store name, I'd encourage you to NOT shop there. But, I don't want to be mean. Brooke and I looked at each other with confused faces, and left. We didn't get the pictures. Story Summary: We needed authority to approve of pictures taken of US. Amen to America. (I later found a sheet of paper, typed on a computer saying we could use the pictures we bought. I recommend we have a better process... I could've typed that letter) What was funny with this? We didn't have authority to get them and 3 ladies from walmart had their fingers on the "police radio" to make sure we didn't buy any pictures.
This frustrating but yet funny experience led me to today's post. Look with me at John 17:1-3. Jesus says in this beautiful prayer to His Father, "Jesus spoke these things; and lifting up His eyes to heaven, He said, "Father, the hour has come; glorify Your Son, that the Son may glorify You. even as You gave Him authority over all flesh, that to all whom You have given Him, He may give eternal life. This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." I love this prayer. It encourages my soul. When I looked at it this morning, the word, authority jumped out at me. In the original language, we see the word exousia (ex-oo-see'-ah: privilege, i.e. (subjectively) force, capacity, competency, freedom, or (objectively) mastery, delegated influence -- authority, jurisdiction, liberty, power, right), strength Christ carried with Him the authority from His Father. It goes beyond our understanding. Christ Jesus, the Son of the Living God, has all power, mastery, influence, authority, liberty, force, capacity, competency, right... OVER US!
What an amazing truth! What a foundation to rest in! We follow after the King, we worship the King, we are redeemed by the King who possesses the authority over us; from the Father! Why belittle Him in songs, sermons, and other ways of communication? Why abuse His name? Why take credit for things HE has done? Friend, I encourage you as we approach Christmas in a few days to think about the fact that Christ has authority over all that walk this earth. Rather we are born again followers, or sinners (enemies) of Him; He still has authority over us. I pray that you live your life in complete recognition of His everlasting authority. Live in such a way that brings His authority to light so others can see the Spirit of His glory living in you.
Too often, I see "christians" live in such a way that shows me they don't recognize His authority. I look at many profile pages on facebook and see no recognition of His authority. It hurts me. It frustrates me. It leads me to my knees in prayer. Jesus, here in this passage is praying before His crucifixion. I love the intercession. Do you know that He still serves as our intercessor to the Father? Do you know this prayer in John 17 wasn't just a 1 time prayer? If you ever read Hebrews, you'll see that Christ Jesus still goes to the Father on our behalf. We come to God only through the Son. By what authority do we live our lives? By who's authority?