Yup, it's an unusual title, but it does carry with it some significance. How would you teach "worship" to someone? What kind of words would you use? What Biblical texts would you use? How would a skeptic of the church understand worship in your life? I have so many questions about worship. For example, why do we seem to always associate worship with a type of music? Why do we give out titles like "worship leader"? Why would someone tell me that their job is to lead me in worship? I guess I ask too many questions, at times; but it's interesting to me.
I love what the Psalmist writes, "All the earth will worship You, And will sing praises to You; They will sing praises to Your name." Within this verse, we see the original language use the word: shachah (shaw-khaw). This idea of worship, from this verse translates: to prostrate (especially reflexive), in homage to royalty or God. Do we do this in our corporate worship gatherings in church? Do we recognize with the Psalmist that ALL the eart will worship and sing praises. I wonder if our worship would be from a redeemed soul or a lost soul receiving His justice? How can we be "led' in worship?
When I come home, my dog Chulo is waiting for me at the front door. He begins to bark and sing his unknown songs to me as his tail wags back and forth. I open the door and he runs into the house; circling me several times wanting to get as close to me as possible. For some reason (I still don't know why... maybe it's cause I feed him), he rejoices to see me everyday I come home.
In the morning, I wake up, say goodbye to my sweet wife as she leaves for work, grab my coffee, and head upstairs for my quiet time. Guess who follows me upstairs? You may be right... Chulo! He follows me into the quiet time room and within moments, he is at my feet. Most days, he is lying down. There are a few days that he just looks at me waiting for my attention. He wants to be with his master.
Do we approach God with such reverence? Do we approach God like a dog approaching his master? Do we rejoice in His presence? Do we anticipate more time with Him? Do we humble ourselves in His presence in which we are completely dependent on Him? Based on this one verse and idea with it... how can someone lead me in worship? These are just thoughts...
Let us rejoice in the presence of our Master. Let us come to Him in great submission to His authority. Let us Hear His call and follow His Word. I look forward each Sunday to joining my church family in corporate worship. I worship, for I have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ; the Son of the Living God. I worship, for His Spirit draws me each day. I wonder, how do you explain worship? This isn't my complete answer, just thoughts I've learned from my dog.
Wonderful job Dave. Now the task is to blog about worship from the perspective of a cat. I believe unfortunately it would describe how badly a large number of Christians or so-called christians approach worship. Point #1 could be...worship when it seems convenient. Point #2 could be... forget it all together and then annoy God with constant begging. There, I gave you a start, as though you needed one. Thanks for all you do. I have really enjoyed your blog.
Wow! What a great title for a book that needs to be written! For at cat lovers out there... sorry! Thanks Donny. I have new thoughts to ponder today.
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