I just got home after a trip to Publix with Brooke. I'm amazed by how encouraged I am when I come home after going to our grocery store. I don' t have stock in Publix and really don't have a preference when it comes to grocery store companies, but I'm beginning to like my grocery store. Why? I don't know much about Publix as a corporation... but I do know my grocery store. Since Brooke and I got married, we have shopped at the same grocery store together. We make it a habit to shop together, because we both feel that it is one of those things we have to do, so why not do it together? I recommend all of you that are married to do this together... it really makes the trip faster and more enjoyable! Anyways, today, Kate was working in the deli. Everytime I go there to get our meat of the week, she asks me "where is your pretty wife?" Kate is probaly in her late seventies, and has a physical disability that forces her head to be tilted sideways... Kate ministers to my soul when I go to Publix. Within her simple question, my face finds a smile and I leave encouraged. Kate is one of many at that store that we stop and talk to when we go... I believe Publix is one of our mission fields. (one of many).
From Hebrews 3:13, I see a beautiful text to challenge us as believers. The author writes, "But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called "Today," so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin." If you look at this verse, you'll see the word "encourage' used. From the original language, this word in the Greek is: parakaleo (par-ak-al-eh'-o). The defintion of it is to call near, i.e. invite, invoke (by imploration, hortation or consolation) -- beseech, call for, (be of good) comfort, and desire. I wonder... do we do this in church? We are the called out ones, the bride of Christ, joint heirs to the kingdom, etc. When we meet, do we call near to one another? Do we comfort each other? Do we leave like I do from Publix, encouraged and wanting to go back? I wonder... if we practice encouragement more, would people fill the pews wanting to hear the Gospel? I believe if I am encouraged at a grocery store, what more than the bride of my Savior?
Take time to encourage one another. I value encouragement from others. I enjoy the encouragement I receive from my church family. I can't wait to go back to Publix. I can't wait to be in church.
Don't I have the best husband in the world!! I have to agree with him, that I have been encouraged by our neighbors at Publix!! They take the extra time, not just to do their job, but to make our day more enjoyable. They are patient, loving, and joyful. They seem to take pride and have great passion and enjoyment for their job, no matter how menial the task may seem to us. I pray that as pursuers of Christ we can be even more proud, joyful, and passionate about our Savior and the mission He has called us to, no matter how menial it may seem to others...
Amen! Thanks for the input, my sweet suga mama. ;-)
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