This morning, I went around rooms to welcome my students to church. I have a wonderful habit that I share with others daily; I brag about my wife. I love Brooke. She is the most amazing person I've ever met. She is beautiful, smart, and so caring. I can go on... She supports me, listens to me, and reminds me daily of God's amazing providence in my life. Are you sick of my bragging yet? I hope so!
While I was in one of our high school girls' rooms, I made a comment about how nice Brooke looked today. To my happy surprise, one girl quickly responded, "We know... you talk about her all the time...thats all we hear about from you..." and other comments. I was so happy to hear this comment. I looked at each girl in the room and took the opportunity to tell them this: "Girls, I hope one day all of you will get married and your husband will brag on you every day." Many of the girls smiled. Some still looked annoyed. It was a great morning.
Paul ties in the Gospel with marriage so perfectly well. Read Ephesians 5:25-32. Isn't that amazing? My role as a husband is to love her. My role is to brag and present her daily as my pure and beautiful wife. My role is to give myself daily to her. Why wouldn't I brag about her? there is no one in this world that I would do that for. How is this the Gospel you may ask? I'm glad you're thinking that!
Paul writes in Ephesians 5:31-32 the importance of marriage. In verse 31, he quotes Genesis 2:24. This quote is not just talking about marriage... but the Gospel. Look at verse 32. Paul writes, "This mystery is great; but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the church." Isn't that amazing? The Gospel (euangelion), the good news is this... Christ came to redeem His people, to present them (the church, his bride) to His Father. He presents them just like the husband presents his wife from verse 26-27; sanctified, cleansed by the washing of water with the Word, (look at Romans 6:1-4). This isn't just a prayer decision! This is the Gospel! Do we brag about this?!!
I'm personally ready for college football to be over. I want all churches to gather on Sundays and brag about the Redeemer. I'm ready for us to brag... Husbands, if you read this, my encouragement to you is this: daily brag about your wife! In doing so, it opens the doors for an amazing way to explain the Gospel.