Thursday, June 11, 2009

Psalm 8

I wrote this for the college ministry website, but felt led to share it with whomever (is that proper grammar? I'm tired and have given up on the grammar game tonight...I aint skeered)

Psalm 8.

Verse 1, 9 – There is Glory in His Name
Look with me at verse 1 and verse 9. Have you ever wondered about the power and glory in His name alone? Does it ever bother you when people around you use His name in vain? The bible makes it clear in Exodus 20:7 that taking His name in vain is breaking one of the 10 commandments. In John 18:4-6, Jesus Christ is arrested by the mob. In John’s account, there is a particular story that really jumped out to me the first time I read it. Upon arrival that night, they asked the whereabouts of our Savior. When Jesus answered their request by stating His name, they fell to the ground. What power! What glory! There is indeed glory in His name! (For more information on the importance of His name, compare Exodus 3:14 to John 8:58).

Verse 2 – There is assurance in His glory in you, no matter your age or ability
In verse 2, you will see a beautiful verse that is actually quoted by our Savior in Matthew 21:16. I love this verse. God’s adopted children (John 1:12) can be viewed upon as weak and helpless in the world’s eyes (1 Corinthians 1:27), however His glory can shine out of the mouth of babes…revealing His majesty. I enjoy reading biographies. Recently, I read 2 biographies on one of my favorite preachers; C.H. Spurgeon. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Spurgeon preached over 600 times by the age of 19. Out of His mouth, the majesty of God’s Word was proclaimed!

Verses 3-4 – There is power in His creation
In these two verses, you will see the power of God in His creation. Some other verses that come to mind are: Psalm 89:11, 111:2, and 136:9. His power fund in His creation never ceases to amaze me. Does it amaze you? I’m reminded of the 9 brilliant symphonies that Beethoven composed. His careful work and attention, even in the midst of trials, has brought joy to many people even centuries after his death. What more of our God?!!! When we look at the stars in the night’s sky, we can understand more of what Job 38:4-11 was teaching us! Who are we in comparison to the power of God and His creation? Yet in His grace, He has given us an abundance of His steadfast love (Romans 5, Ephesians 1:7, 1 John 4); what a Savior.

Verses 5-8 – There is responsibility in our role
Finally, I conclude with this section of the passage. I’m reminded of our responsibility in creation. Hebrews 1:14 teaches us that even His angels serve our needs and minister to us. Psalm 139 reveals the love and affection He has lavished upon us in creation. Ephesians 2:10 shows us that in Christ, we have been set apart to be His, “workmanship.” I believe based on these few passages and many more, we must take our role seriously. Our responsibility should always be primarily on preaching the glorious Gospel of our Lord and Savior. The joy of our responsibility is the fact that every day, we tell this fallen world that our satisfaction is in Him alone, for He is our Creator, Lord, Father; the Godhead 3 in 1. May our lips ( Mark 16:15 James 3:9-12) and our walk (Galatians 5:25), bring Him glory.

1 comment:

SusieE said...

Like cool water and a refreshing breeze after a long hike...thanks for sharing. God's word is good!