Friday, January 29, 2010

Worlds Apart

Have you ever thought about the idea that you are living on this side of glory? One day, as our hearts stop their rhythm, we will join our Father on His side of glory...that is; if we are in Christ. I'm amazed by this thought. Every day, I'm walking not just on the earth, but on the other side of glory from my Father. It's almost like I'm away from my future home. I'm a traveler, a foreigner, so to speak, in a land that is not mine. It reminds me of the feeling I have when I travel overseas. The sights, the people, the days are such a treasure to me. I don't really spend time complaining...because I'm drawn to a privilege of seeing a place that I know I'll only spend a small amount of time on. When I board the plane to travel home, I know I will have a welcome awaiting me. My favorite part of returning home is when the customs officer looks at me and says, "Welcome home."

Look at this amazing verse with me. "But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ." Philippians 3:20. What an incredible truth! When I'm away from the States, I tend to have an attitude of joy and peace because I know that soon I will be returning to my home...the place I'm FAMILIAR with. This theological truth has challenged much of my thought process in the past few weeks. Please permit me to share with you in points to what's on my mind. I ask in advance for your patience in my rambling.

1. Paul writes to the church at Philippi with a challenge to remain true in the faith, to avoid false teachings, to count all things as loss in comparison to Christ, to be like minded, and to deny the desires of the flesh. When we get to this verse, the command leaps off the page at see our citizenship, our place, our position, and our future home is in glory with our Lord.

2. Why do we live without this excitement? Why do people put all of their drama on their facebook statues to get attention...or live without joy? Why do we pour out selfish appeals for attention instead of pointing to the One that daily appeals for the souls of the lost? Why do we treat this place as our permanent misery instead of our temporary joy before our departure? In such a "me-centered" culture...and church, it doesn't surprise me that many hold onto their current position without any thought to the future joy that awaits.

3. Why do we act without hope? Why do we take any obstacle and allow that to point attention t ourselves instead of the hope that our Lord is in control? I wish I could go back in my life and take the struggles...and point them more to the Savior. Since I am truly waiting for His return or His final rescue in my would make sense that I would point my obstacles to His Home...

4. Why do we step without purpose? Just like our vacation times...I've wanted to take every step toward making the most of the days. For example, I wanted to speak to new folks, visit new sights, and soak in more air. Since our home is in glory, we should take our steps with purpose...not in vanity, but in full obedience to the Great Commission.

5. Why do we speak without happiness? If we have a home waiting for us, then it would seem that our words each day should be centered on the anticipation of returning home. It should mean that our words should invite others to join us. Our words should be centered on returning the point that our faith is indeed REAL to others.

6. Why do we neglect the Savior? It is only in Christ that we have a future home. He is our treasure. He is our sole delight. He welcomes us to His Father's glory. He gives us the greeting of, "welcome home." We should live in such a way that we look forward to His glorious appearing.

I want to close with a song by Jars of Clay that has really blessed my soul this week. This is an old song, but a treasured song of mine. Enjoy.

I look beyond the empty cross
forgetting what my life has cost
and wipe away the crimson stains
"dull the nails that still remain"
More and more I need you now,
I owe you more each passing hour
the battle between grace and pride
I gave up not so long ago
So steal my heart and take the pain
and wash the feet and cleanse my pride
take the selfish, take the weak,
and all the things I cannot hide
take the beauty, take my tears
the sin-soaked heart and make it yours
take my world all apart
take it now, take it now
and serve the ones that I despise
speak the words I can't deny
watch the world I used to love
fall to dust and thrown away

Soli Deo Gloria!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Led by the Lord...

On Monday evening this week, I began the process of my normal iPod shuffle uploading. It's been such a joy to listen to sermons while exercising at the gym. I successfully loaded two sermons onto the shuffle...along with 11 songs from the new Leeland album. After the loading was complete, I walked downstairs and taught the evening basement Bible Study. So far, all went according to my expectations.

The study was glorious and after praying with Brooke, I headed to the gym. As I walked inside the gym, I quickly put the headphones into my ears to listen to Francis Chan...Only to find that that the shuffle only had the Leeland songs! I probably skipped the tracks about 40 times until I gave up. Frustrated, I sat down on the bike and began the boring process of riding for 30 minutes while staring at TV shows that had nothing but teenage girl appeal. (I can't stand shows that have anything to do with the drama that I see for free on facebook.) I was mad. No sermons...and 30 minutes of nothing but riding and watching.

Doug walked over to me as his friends left the gym. Doug is a guy about my age that works out about the same time that I do each evening. He and his wife have a son that is about two years old. Doug carries with him a strong Jersey accent with Brazilian roots. A great guy. As Doug walked over to my area of workout (well, it was me and a bunch of older ladies...), he began to talk with me After a few minutes of casual talking, the door was opened for me to share with him of the Gospel. What a joy it was to talk for about 25 minutes (and what a tiring time as well) with Doug of the glories of my Savior. Doug and his family are really seeking the Lord right now and want to get plugged into a church. I pray I will see him again when I work out...and at church as I worship with my family. Please pray for Doug.

I left the gym and was thinking back to my iPod dilemma. If I had a sermon on that night...I probably would've given Doug just a minute of talk and then went back to the sermon listening. I truly believe the Lord took the sermon off my iPod so I could actually live out a sermon by talking about Jesus to my friend in the gym. I'm truly grateful that I had no sermon to listen to that evening. I'm truly grateful that I was led by the Lord to speak of the only good news that I know. The tomb is empty, the Savior is alive, and the atonement for my sins has been paid for. What a Savior.

The next day, I turned my iPod in the car as I was heading to teach at a high school. I wanted to listen to Leeland that morning. To my surprise, Francis Chan came on. Same iPod, no change, different day...glorious Savior.

Soli Deo Gloria,


Thursday, January 7, 2010

There's just something about that Name

Last night was a deep joy in my soul. Worshipping my immortal Savior with my students is a treasure that I hold dearly. It amazes me how teenagers can gather together on a Wednesday night, to read an old book and sing songs of worship. What amazes me even more is the excitement many of them have in the process of worshipping their Savior. I don't see much of a "Mom forced me to be here" attitude in the room. I see passionate teenagers that love their Savior King. There's just something about the name of Jesus that draws attention.

Last night, I preached on the humanity and divinity of Jesus. We covered Luke 2:22-52. It was a large text to cover in just 40 minutes. With a weak voice and trembling knees, I felt the joy of the Mighty Spirit covering my lips to speak of the glory of my Lord. In true and genuine fashion, the students joined me with great concentration. Their joy and excitement draws me to WANT to preach...even with a suffering voice. There's just something about the name of Jesus that draws worshipful concentration.

After our service, Brooke and I joined the students at Taco Bell. I noticed a group of boys in the corner of the restaurant that were acting very antagonistic toward our group. I've seen these boys before in school as well as a few of them around my subdivision. I knew they were going to be bitter towards us in the restaurant from the time we were ordering our food in line. One of the guys was rude to Brooke...which caused me to say something to him. (I lose some of my preacher traits when it comes to protecting my sweet bride.) When the guys left the restaurant, they yelled to us, "We love Satan." It broke my heart. Brooke and I got into our car and talked about it on the way home. We both agreed that it was hard because they thought they were offending us. They didn't. They were pledging allegiance to the living adversary of the Most High. We weren't upset, we were hurt. If those boys don't repent and trust in the Living Savior, they will perish with the demon they jokingly claimed to love. Several thoughts came to my mind this morning about those guys as well as many I meet on a week to week basis. Please allow me to share some with you.

1. Making fun of Christians by claiming love for Satan contradicts the effort of opposition. For example, if one claims to love Satan, they must claim to have a belief in Jesus. Their idea of Satan comes from their understanding of Scripture (may be little, but still an understanding). If one believes in a figure known as Satan, they must believe in the figure of Jesus. So, to state a love for Him must mean they have rejected a Savior they know to exist. That is why the comment last night made me sad. Why be so foolish?

2. To love and embrace Christ is the purpose of worship. Students gathered last night in order to lavish their affections upon the Savior that shed His blood for their sins. When we pledge allegiance and faith in Christ, we receive the eternal riches of God's mercy and presence. We receive protection from His justice as well as adoption into His family (Ephesians 1:7, John 1:12).

3. Claiming love for God's adversary means you are willing to take the justice of God. This means you will join the demon you claim to love (or even in kidding...claim to love) in his punishment thru the justice of God (read Jude 1:6 and 2 Peter 2:4).

4. Claiming love for God's Son means you are willing to receive God's pardon for your sins. Instead of receiving His just wrath, you are receiving His love. (Romans 1-8, 1 John).

There's just something about the name of Jesus that draws me to worship. There's something about the name of Jesus that draws ridicule and bitterness. His Name is powerful and all together lovely (Psalm 8). One day, all the jokes and ridicules will be swept away with a blink of the eye according to Philippians 2:10-11. One day, we will see why His Name draws so much attention on this earth...It is the Name above all Names (Ephesians 1:21, Philippians 2:9).

There's just something about the Name of Jesus that strengthens my weak voice today. I love my Savior. I pray if you are reading this, you will join me in the chorus of worship. If you want more to chew on with His name, read Colossians 1.

An old song I used to sing with my family comes to mind with this post. I want to close out with offering them to you. Enjoy your Savior today.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There's just something about that name
Master, Savior, Jesus
Like the fragrance after the rain
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Let all heaven and earth proclaim
Kings and kingdoms shall all pass away
But there's something about that name.

Just some thoughts. Soli Deo Gloria!
