Friday, May 29, 2009

Tough Love

This morning, I finised 1 Corinthians. I love that letter. It amazes me to see Paul write with such compassion and love to a church that was indeed unhealthy in many ways. I see nothing but grace from His hands as he writes; guided by the power of the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21, 2 Timothy 3:16). It's a great read, 16 chapters long. It may take you only 15 minutes to fully dive into it. I'd recommend you to read it over the weekend. It's worth the time, I promise!

The last few verses of this letter really got my attention to the idea of, "tough love." I've used this term before, in the past, to describe times in my life in which I had to bring tough truths, tough news, tough disciplines to those around me because the genuine love I have within my soul. I believe many churches fail in the area of giving, "tough love" to her members and visitors alike. Here is my point in a more practical sense; what is our reaction to some of these examples:

1. Someone (habitually, after being rebuked) teaches false doctrines in classes.
2. Someone commits adultery with no sign of remorse of repentance
3. Someone sneaks into the flock, like a wolf hungry for food, in order to devour and manipulate in order to get their selfish gains..
4. Someone spreads rumors and gossips against another, habitually, with no sign of remorse of repentance
5. Someone physically or sexually abuses a child (again, with no remorse or repentance)

The list can go on.... What should our response be?

I admit, this is a tough blog post to write, but please permit me to share with you what I've gained from 1 Corinthians 16:22-24. The apostle writes, "If anyone has no love for the Lord, let him be accursed. Our Lord, come! The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you. My love be with you all in Christ Jesus, Amen." This is a rich text! Lets break it down some together:

1. Verse 22 - Here, the word for love that Paul uses is, phileo, which actually translates, "have affection for; specially, to kiss (as a mark of tenderness) -- kiss, love." It's an unusual word, but it is indeed a beautiful truth! Our love for Christ must be genuine, tender, with full of affection. I see many Christians use the word "love" but truly wonder if Christ is their affection? Is Christ your affection? Do you specially love and show tenderness to His grace and His glory? I think the idea here is after writing a brilliant letter which contains rich doctrines about Christ and the church, Paul is then saying... if there are some that still DON'T TENDERLY, SPECIALLY, AFFECTIONATLY love Christ, as their treasure, then let them be anathema, which translates, "accused, deep curse, great.." May they realize that by conforming to this world and its evil desires (Romans 12:2), they have indeed reaped upon themselves the wrath of God (John 3:36). This is tough love. Are we willing to be brave and confident enough to take this passage and realize that Paul was trying to preach the news of Christ being our supreme treasure, our affectionate Savior, our tender Lamb, our mighty Lord, our everlasting hope, our great King and High Priest (I really could go on).

2. Verse 23 - Here, Paul, in such a beautiful way, proclaims a statement of blessing to the church that is saturated with the grace of Christ. I love this word, charis, for grace, which translates, "acceptable, benefit, favour, gift, grace(-ious), joy, liberality, pleasure, thank(-s, -worthy)." WOW. INCREDIBLE. Think about this, the love for Christ that we can have is indeed a gift of grace (read Ephesians 2:8-9, and 1 John 4:6-10). It is our pleasure and benefit to affectionatly love Christ. To place Him alone as our treasure (Matthew 6:21), means that we indeed receive the riches of His grace (Ephesians 1:7). Why would we want to be conformed to this world? What does this world have to offer in comparison to the benefit of Christ, our King? I hope this same statement of blessing be upon you as you read this; may His grace be with with you!

3. Verse 24 - Here, we see Paul give tender love to the church. What I truly see here is the opposite of verse 22. In verse 22, Paul gives a truthful declaration of judgment upon those that don't tenderly love and affectionaly adore Christ as their treasure. However, in verse 24, Paul seems to give that same love to the church. It challenged me with this thought: What kind of love do I give the bride? I believe we can take a challenge here that we are called to love the bride with the same love (phileo), as Christ, who is the bridegroom. This really reshapes the way I look at church in many ways. May the bride of Christ be drenched with the grace of Christ; which can draw her to affectionatly love and adore Christ as her head.

Some thoughts to begin a weekend. Open up and read 1 Corinthians.

Soli Deo Gloria.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

1 Kings 18...Kill me if I don't preach the Gospel

This morning, I read 1 Kings 18 during my quiet time. I grew up loving this story; the story of Elijah on Mount Carmel with the 450 priests of Baal. I love the passion and faith of Elijah and the willingness to put his life on the line to be a messenger of the glory of God. Take a moment and read 1 Kings 18:20-46 (because of the length of the passage, I decided not to put it all on here). After reading that passage, open your thoughts to some of these questions:

1. Do you have that same boldness daily to proclaim the glory of God?
2. Do you stand up for the truth of the Gospel in the midst of the deceptions in this world that include: false religions, humanism, hedonism, etc.
3. Do you rejoice and treasure God daily that His presence through His Spirit comes as natural to you as the presence of God in Elijah's life?
4. Is God ALmighty a reality to you...or just a mere thought and simple, weekly church attendance?

After having coffee this morning with my friend Dan Ratcliffe, I drove back to the office and listened to Lecrae. If you haven't heard of Lecrae, go to itunes and check them out. Lecrae is a rap group that focuses completely on the glory of Christ in His Word. I don't really like rap music all that much, but I haven't found many bands that paint such a beautiful and accurate picture of Christianity then this group. Check them out. Read their lyrics. One line this morning really jumped out to me, "Lord, kill me if I don't preach the Gospel." That line really shattered me (mixed in with too much coffee). I believe that our passion must be like Elijah. May we truly be "living sacrifices" as Romans 12:2 teaches. May we rebel against the conformity of sin that many taste here in American culture, and may we strive to be passionate about the glory of God in our lives. I love that line. I love 1 Kings 18. I love the Word. May we be as bold as Elijah today, for the advancement of the Risen Savior we treasure.

Soli Deo Gloria!


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Good times in Simpson

I just returned last night from a weekend reunion with my family in Simpson, IL. I love the country. I love waking up to Aunt Roberta's cooking, coffee on the back porch, and great talks around the table. It's a great place to get away and realize how simple and joyful life can be. I'm grateful for my family. Please read a post I wrote a while back about my Aunt Roberta. She is indeed a hero of the faith.

On Sunday morning, I had the sweet privilege of preaching at the 10:30am service at Gilead Cumberland Presbyterian church. What a wonderful church family! The text was on Romans 5 and my challenge was to enjoy Christ above the pleasures of this world, for through Him alone, we have justification by faith. What an amazing truth. What a Savior. I'm grateful for Brother Bud's graciousness in allowing me the opportunity to preach. He is a hero of the faith as well. I enjoy seeing his love for his congregation. His love reminds me of the love that Paul must've had for the church at Corinth. His love is what I aspire to have if I'm ever privileged to pastor a flock under the guidance of my Savior. I pray more churches around this world would have pastors like Brother Bud, who is faithful to preach the Word and lead his congregation to glorify God Almighty.

Spend time in the Word today. Enjoy good times of sweet fellowship with the Spirit. May His Glorious Light shine in you in ways that radiate His beauty. As I observed the song of birds around me in the Simpson country air; bringing glory to their maker, may we as His treasured creation bring Him glory, aided by His Spirit. Read Genesis 1:26-28 and connect it to Ephesians 2:8-10. Fall on your knees and praise Him for His mighty grace.

Soli Deo Gloria,


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thursdays empty my thoughts

I normally don't go into the office on Thursdays. I've noticed that on these days, my mind tends to go empty when it comes to deep thoughts. I think that after a week of teaching, preaching, studying, leading, planning, attending (meetings, that is), and other elements of my position, my brain takes a day off on Thursdays. Today, is no different. I've been refreshed by the Word. Today, I read 1 Corinthians 8. I love this rich chapter. It was a challenge for me to be sensitive to those that aren't as deep in Biblical understanding and practical living as me. For example, Paul makes note of those that are scared to eat meat due to their belief that it was contaminated with evil spirits (the meat was sold in the market after being used for idol worship). Paul encourages believers not to look down or argue with them, but to show grace and compassion to their lack of understanding. As a youth minister, I struggle with this. I often times paint in my mind pictures of what I want students to know at their age. The irony is found in the fact that when I was their age, I was much weaker in the faith. Oh what a wonderful Savior I worship, for in His grace, He led Godly men in my life that slowed down and helped me understand, instead of looking down on me for my lack of understanding.

Soli Deo Gloria!


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The close of a great book

Last night, we finished our study of Hosea. For the past few years, Brooke and I have had the joy of opening up our home to teach the Word. In those years, we've gone thru: Revelation, Romans, 1/2 of Hebrews, 2 John, and now Hosea. In 2 weeks, we will begin Colossians. The more that I study the Word, the more that I love it! Isaiah 55:11 and 2 Timothy 3:16 make sense to me. It reminds me that the Word we study was indeed given by God and for God. Read 2 Peter 1:21. What an amazing Word!

Hosea taught me several things:

1. We have a sin problem

2. We need repentance

3. We need to accept that He is good, above the pleasures of this world.

4. We need His grace

5. We need His steadfast love.

I'm sure there are others, but these really stuck out to me. In 14 chapters, and several months, I learned so much from a minor prophet that had nothing but love and desire to please the Lord. His personal message mixed in with the grand message for the people really reminded me of the importance of being a genuine minister of the Gospel, and not just some theological champion that likes to win debates. It is only His steadfast love that allows me to do ministry! It is His grace that leads me to repentance and salvation. I do find pleasure and delight in Him, and books like Hosea, help lead the way to walk daily on His path of righteousness.

What a great book. In fact, there are 66 books total. They are all good. Get a copy of God's Word and allow it to lead you as it did my orchestra friend who called me yesterday with tears of joy over what the Word was revealing to Him daily. His Word is eternal, His Word is truth, His Word has power beyond our comprehension. I stand firm to it as my foundation and invite you to join me.

Soli Deo Gloria!


Monday, May 18, 2009

Lets Live by the Truth... shall we?

My soul is burdened by the overwhelming amount of Christ followers that don't follow Christ. In all practical senses, why even take that name, "Christ follower"? Before you read on and think this is a post bashing other Christians, please know my heart and where I stand. I've been a born again believer in Christ for more than a decade now. I've been serving the local bride as a youth minister for over 8 years. In that short amount of time, I come to the daily realization to my depravity and need for Christ. I especially have found delight in the song, "All we Need" by Charlie Hall. I believe that the more that I live my life in delighting in Christ and not the pleasures of this world, I see sin more for what it is and grace for more of what I don't deserve. It's humbling, yet beautiful, to be a Christ follower. He is my treasure. He is my delight. He is the reason why I wake up in the morning and the reason why I get so excited to open the Bible. He makes sense out of suffering and allows all seasons in my life to bring Him glory. It's great. Take a moment sometime and read Colossians 1:15-23 and Philippians 2:5-11. What beauty!

I work with teenagers. I see many teenagers; both church kids and non churched kids walk inside the halls. I see them all struggling to find truth and sense in their lives. I can deal with lost students that come with questions. I can deal with redeemed students that confess and struggle with sin, but yet give it over to Christ daily. However, I'm struggling with those that take the title and yet don't belong to it.

I love this verse, "For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing." (2 Corinthians 2:15, ESV).

Take a moment and digest that verse. Look at the word, "aroma." In the original language, it translates: good-scentedness, i.e. fragrance -- sweet savour (smell, -smelling). Because we are connected to Christ, our vine (John 15), we are blessed with the sweet privilege of bearing the fruit of His Name (Matthew 7:15-20), we are His workmanship (Ephesians 2:10), we are His messengers of truth (Acts 1:8), we are His preachers (Mark 16:15), and the result is we treasure Him above the things of this world (Matthew 6:19-24).

What scent do you have? Are you walking in His Light? (1 John 1:5-10). I have looked at facebook pages, seen notes left in the student center, witnessed conversations in the church, saw lyrics posted on myspace, and even seen unhealthy relationships before my eyes...and then I see stuck in the middle of all that mess; CHRISTIAN. It makes no sense. Does that really define "Christ follower"? Does that really communciate to a lost world of the power of Christ in us? I read passages like Galatians 1:4 and John 17:15 and see that we are saved daily from the evils of this world...which in turn gives us a sweet aroma daily of the One that redeemed us!

Imagine this with me. Lets say that I walk up to you and try to convince you that I'm a hockey player. I'm such a good player that I even start for the St. Louis Blues (I actually made up this lie once in the 7th grade to get friends...I know, sad). Lets say that you are convinced (you're also not that bright, I guess). Lets say you tell others that you found out that I was a St. Louis Blues hockey player. They wanted to meet me and ask questions about the game. One night, you invite me over and I graciously accepted the invitation. I simply thought that we were just going to have a good night together. However, to my surprise, when I arrived to your house, you and a few others were there with questions. After a few steps in the process, you discovered that I wasn't a hockey player. I lied and convinced you that I belonged to the team, but in all reality, I barely attended a few games as a fan! You found out through:

1. My lack of experience as a player
2. My lack of knowledge of the game
3. No evidence of stats, pictures, videos, etc. of me playing
4. No roster spot
5. No idea of how to get into the ice arena!
6. I had all my teeth
7. And so on....

I think Jesus meant something when He said, "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter." (Matthew 7:21).

Repent. Confess your sins. Fall at the mercy of Christ, your King. Treasure Him daily. Find all your delight in Him alone. Allow His Word to lighten your path (Psalm 119:105). May you take the name, and live your life by the truth...shall you?

Soli Deo Gloria!


Friday, May 15, 2009

Young Preachers of the Gospel

This morning, Brooke and I had the sweet privilege of going to Kennesaw Mountain High School F.C.A. It was their last meeting of the year. Within this meeting, one of our own students preached the Gospel. The message was theological, passionate, and completely center around the glory of God in His Word. The message was entitled: Stop Trying, with a focus on Galatians. The 25 minute message left many students speechless as the Word of Christ was dwelling in them richly (Colossians 3:16). It was a sweet morning. It opened my eyes to appreciate and praise God for bringing young preachers of the Gospel to schools.

" Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe" (1 Timothy 4:12).

My current role in ministry is to lead students from grades 6th-12th. In my last 8 years of student ministry leadership, I've seen a growing habit of adults not seeing with their own eyes the privilege of investing in young preachers of the Gospel. Some adults have the tendency to think of teenagers as: "immature, rebellious, un-disciplined, lacking respect, ignorant, etc." I have to admit, I've met some that fits the bill! However, in sweet moments, like this morning, in which I get to see a 17 year old preach the Gospel with the same passion and accuracy as a 45 year old trained seminary guy, it reminds me of what Paul was trying to communicate to Timothy in the verse mentioned above. Does your church have young preachers of the Gospel? Are you too wrapped up in your own bubble that you lack the opportunity to observe? I encourage you, or better yet, challenge you to invest in the young people in your church (if you attend church).

C.H. Spurgeon is one of my heroes of the faith. I'm amazed by his life. I read his biography last month, and was blown away by the way the Spirit used him to preach the Gospel in England. At 19 years of age, Spurgeon became the pastor of the New Park Street Chapel, possibly one of the largest churches in Europe at the time. He was often criticized for his young age. However, he didn't allow the comments to slow him down. He preached the Gospel with great faithfulness and confidence. He was a mighty young preacher of the Gospel that paved the way for the 45 year old seminary guys to study. (I would argue that David Platt and Mark Driscoll are modern day, Spurgeon type preachers; both with their age and theology).
Who are the young preachers that you know?

I was reminded of the heroes of the faith this morning as I watched a 17 year old boldly proclaim the Gospel in his school. A young preacher of the Gospel made my Friday.

Soli Deo Gloria!


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Amazed by the Spirit

This morning, I'm sitting in my office completely amazed by the power of the Holy Spirit. I'm reminded that churches don't need to exist for entertaining people in order to be powerful. Churches need the overflow of God's gracious Spirit to draw lost sinners to Christ, the Savior. Churches need the Spirit to lead in decision making, direction for future missions, and the spreading of the Gospel around the local "Jerusalem." Lately, I have been incorporating the Spirit more in my praises to God Almighty. I'm reminded daily that apart from the Spirit, I would not really have a knowledge of sin and the need for salvation. His Spirit draws me daily to the reality that I must decrease (John 3:30), and He must be my ultimate treasure (Matthew 6:20-21). I must lay down my pride and selfish ambitions (Philippians 2:3), and learn to delight in the Lord (Nahum 1:7). Scripture daily reminds me of the power of the Spirit, for the words I read were given, by the direction of the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21). What a joy. What power. What glory.

Last night, His Spirit reminded me of His soverign power. After the youth worship service, I went out to eat, and then went home. Brooke and I commented on how lovely the day was. After a few minutes at home, we went to sleep; only to close out another day by God's grace. This morning, I woke up to 3 amazing, Spirit-led moments that all occured last night. After the service, the Spirit did the following:

1. Led one student to stop his car on the way home as he passed a friend from school that was walking alongside the road. He quickly jumped out and began to talk with him. A few moments in the conversation, he found out that his friend recently dropped out of high school and was living a very sinful life. This student proclaimed the glorious Gospel to him, gave him some money, and a ride home. What glory.

2. Led one student to stop by his subdivision pool on the way home as he saw a boyfriend and girlfriend together, a couple that he knew from school. He jumped out of his car and preached the Gospel to them. They want to know more about the grace of our Father! What glory.

3. Led one student to text me wanting to know more about God's Word. The text message requested me to give him scripture daily to read. What glory.

Don't ever under estimate the power of the Holy Spirit. Read Acts 2. See how the Spirit led the first century church to proclaim the truth and light of Jesus Christ; unhindered (last verse of Acts). See the majesty of the Lord's presence daily. Submit and treasure Christ, through the direction of the Spirit; for the glory of God, the Father. Amen, what glory.

Soli Deo Gloria


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Touch of Grace

This is Brooke and me on the very couch that I thought the touch was gone...
Ephesians 2:8-9: "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast."

Praise God Almighty that we are saved by His grace; our sins are atoned for by the blood of His only Son! It is something that we don't earn or receive on our own, but only by His grace. It's a sweet testimony of His steadfast love that is so often mentioned in Hosea. It brings me to my knees in love with my Savior. It reminds me that nothing else has redeemed me from the curse of the law (read Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7, 15-21 then connect them to Galatians 3). Praise God.

Last night, while watching American Idol with Brooke (it is out of love for her that I watch that show now...2 of the 3 remaining guys left really annoy me), I did something stupid. I have a bad habit of allowing my clumsy nature to break valuables. (I've dropped cell phones in toilets, on the concrete, etc.) Well, last night, while not paying attention to what was around me, my ipod touch fell out of my pocket and into a deep crack in our couch. This was the only crack that had no exit. In other words, it was a wooden box that the smart furniture people put under the cushion. Destroying the couch was an idea...but Brooke didn't want to do that. I gave up, for my hand wouldn't fit in the crack. My own efforts were futile. I was broken and on the urge of weeping for the loss of the ipod touch. However, to my suprise, Brooke rescued it! She never gave up on it. After getting several tools from the kitchen, she was able to move the touch to a corner of the box, and with scissors, get it out! I was amazed. I was moved. I saw my wife's graceful touch get my touch out of the couch. Our dog just stared at me confused.

Its a silly story, but it taught me a valuable illustration. In my own efforts, I am unable to be made righteous in the presence of the Almighty. However, God, being full of mercy, gave me His grace; His pardon of my sin by placing the consequence on His only Son. I love how Ephesians 1:7 paints the picture of that amazing grace: "In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace." His favor, His rescue, has given us the collection of His joy, His security, His treasure, His presence for all eternity.

Soli Deo Gloria!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Summer Psalms begins

Tomorrow, we will begin a new series with our students that is entitled: Summer Psalms. For the course fo the summer, we will be going through Psalms 1, 8, 19, 23, 40, 51, 63-66, 90, 119 (for 2 weeks), 139, and 150. Our goal is to teach our students the riches of God's treasured Word. It's amazing to me to read beautiful journal entries from the hands of those that the Spirit annointed to give us the Word. Tomorrow night, I'll begin with the high school, as Channing begins with the middle school, on Psalm 1. From that text, I have gathered:

1. There is a sweet happiness (a fulfillment) when we walk with the Lord
a. V.1

2. The Word gives us our daily delight/joy.
a. V.2

3. The result of walking with the Lord is eternal success
a. V.3, 6

4. The punishment for not living for God is scattered failure/rejection

Oh how I love the treasures from His Word. I enjoy the beauty that resides within the pages. It excites me to open it up and teach it to students. Does His Word excite you? This morning, I read several passages that woke me up after a long day of traveling from Paris to the States. Psalm 143:8 really struck a chord in my soul: "Let me hear Your lovingkindness in the morning; For I trust in You; Teach me the way in which I should walk; For to You I lift up my soul." Man, I love this verse! I love it how the Psalmist writes about wanting to hear of the lovingkindness of the the morning. Why? Because He trusts in Him. Do you trust in the Lord and find all your treasure and worth in His treasure and worth? I read these books while on my trip with Brooke:

In Your Joy

For Your Joy

Spectacular Sins (all 3 by John Piper)

Easy, but great reads. I strongly recommend them (I thank Ben for telling me about them). May His Spirit draw you to find excitement when you wake up in the morning and delight in His Word (As Psalm 1 so beautifully teaches). May you find your delight in Him alone. May you cling to what is good and abhor what is evil (Romans 12).

I'm excited about this new series. I'll blog later on my trip to Paris with Brooke. Wow, what beauty...however, what a city that needs Christ. Maybe someone there will wake up, read Psalm 1, and find delight in the Lord that will lead them to preach Christ crucified to a lost city.

Soli Deo Gloria!


Monday, May 4, 2009


This past Sunday, I had the rich blessing of experiencing a day of academic sessions held at my church along with my church family. Carl Kerby, one of the speakers that works for the Answers in Genesis conference, delivered 4 powerful sessions that dealt with some of the issues that are in our culture when it comes to creation vs. evolution. One session dealt with the effect of media on today's culture. The hours flew by as I sat at the edge of my seat wanting to absorb as much as I could in that day. I know, I'm a nerd at heart, but it was so sweet to experience a day like that, with Summit. The Word of God does tell us that, "'YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND" Matthew 22:37. I sometimes wonder if Christians make the effort to worship and love their Lord with their minds? This past Sunday, I was given another gentle reminder of the importance of studying.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say that in order to truly love the Lord, you must get several degrees of higher education. Some of the wisest people I know have never stepped into a graduate level program. What I am saying is that as born again believers, we must take the steps necessary to study and know our faith. We must approach it first as a gift. I am a sinner saved only by the grace of God Almighty. As I was reminded in Hosea 13:4 today, there is no salvation offered, but through the Lord. I believe to know our faith requires our time and effort to daily study and immerse ourselves in His Word. My good friend Ben and I often meet to discuss Scripture. I enjoy those times, for our talks are centered on God and His truth...and not our mere opinions. Studying His Word leads us to have answers...and to know how to approach this world in a way that brings honor and glory to His Name.

This verse was used alot on Sunday; "but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence" (1 Peter 3:15). I believe there is great truth in this verse. Within the joy of being sanctified (growing in the likeness of Christ), we get to experience the sweetness of being ready to make a defense, to give an answer, an account for the everlasting hope we have in Him! The platform for evangelism is found as we are sanctified in Christ.

John 17:17 tells us that His Word sanctifies us. Christ is the Word. We study the Word to know how to proclaim and defend the Word. It is beautiful. It is worth the study. It is indeed challenging, but what a race to run. I refuse to quit until I make it to the finish line and receive His crown of glory...

Soli Deo Gloria!
