Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The close of a great book

Last night, we finished our study of Hosea. For the past few years, Brooke and I have had the joy of opening up our home to teach the Word. In those years, we've gone thru: Revelation, Romans, 1/2 of Hebrews, 2 John, and now Hosea. In 2 weeks, we will begin Colossians. The more that I study the Word, the more that I love it! Isaiah 55:11 and 2 Timothy 3:16 make sense to me. It reminds me that the Word we study was indeed given by God and for God. Read 2 Peter 1:21. What an amazing Word!

Hosea taught me several things:

1. We have a sin problem

2. We need repentance

3. We need to accept that He is good, above the pleasures of this world.

4. We need His grace

5. We need His steadfast love.

I'm sure there are others, but these really stuck out to me. In 14 chapters, and several months, I learned so much from a minor prophet that had nothing but love and desire to please the Lord. His personal message mixed in with the grand message for the people really reminded me of the importance of being a genuine minister of the Gospel, and not just some theological champion that likes to win debates. It is only His steadfast love that allows me to do ministry! It is His grace that leads me to repentance and salvation. I do find pleasure and delight in Him, and books like Hosea, help lead the way to walk daily on His path of righteousness.

What a great book. In fact, there are 66 books total. They are all good. Get a copy of God's Word and allow it to lead you as it did my orchestra friend who called me yesterday with tears of joy over what the Word was revealing to Him daily. His Word is eternal, His Word is truth, His Word has power beyond our comprehension. I stand firm to it as my foundation and invite you to join me.

Soli Deo Gloria!


1 comment:

Brooke said...

Sad to be finishing out another study...although I am looking forward to something a little more uplifting!