Friday, May 29, 2009

Tough Love

This morning, I finised 1 Corinthians. I love that letter. It amazes me to see Paul write with such compassion and love to a church that was indeed unhealthy in many ways. I see nothing but grace from His hands as he writes; guided by the power of the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21, 2 Timothy 3:16). It's a great read, 16 chapters long. It may take you only 15 minutes to fully dive into it. I'd recommend you to read it over the weekend. It's worth the time, I promise!

The last few verses of this letter really got my attention to the idea of, "tough love." I've used this term before, in the past, to describe times in my life in which I had to bring tough truths, tough news, tough disciplines to those around me because the genuine love I have within my soul. I believe many churches fail in the area of giving, "tough love" to her members and visitors alike. Here is my point in a more practical sense; what is our reaction to some of these examples:

1. Someone (habitually, after being rebuked) teaches false doctrines in classes.
2. Someone commits adultery with no sign of remorse of repentance
3. Someone sneaks into the flock, like a wolf hungry for food, in order to devour and manipulate in order to get their selfish gains..
4. Someone spreads rumors and gossips against another, habitually, with no sign of remorse of repentance
5. Someone physically or sexually abuses a child (again, with no remorse or repentance)

The list can go on.... What should our response be?

I admit, this is a tough blog post to write, but please permit me to share with you what I've gained from 1 Corinthians 16:22-24. The apostle writes, "If anyone has no love for the Lord, let him be accursed. Our Lord, come! The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you. My love be with you all in Christ Jesus, Amen." This is a rich text! Lets break it down some together:

1. Verse 22 - Here, the word for love that Paul uses is, phileo, which actually translates, "have affection for; specially, to kiss (as a mark of tenderness) -- kiss, love." It's an unusual word, but it is indeed a beautiful truth! Our love for Christ must be genuine, tender, with full of affection. I see many Christians use the word "love" but truly wonder if Christ is their affection? Is Christ your affection? Do you specially love and show tenderness to His grace and His glory? I think the idea here is after writing a brilliant letter which contains rich doctrines about Christ and the church, Paul is then saying... if there are some that still DON'T TENDERLY, SPECIALLY, AFFECTIONATLY love Christ, as their treasure, then let them be anathema, which translates, "accused, deep curse, great.." May they realize that by conforming to this world and its evil desires (Romans 12:2), they have indeed reaped upon themselves the wrath of God (John 3:36). This is tough love. Are we willing to be brave and confident enough to take this passage and realize that Paul was trying to preach the news of Christ being our supreme treasure, our affectionate Savior, our tender Lamb, our mighty Lord, our everlasting hope, our great King and High Priest (I really could go on).

2. Verse 23 - Here, Paul, in such a beautiful way, proclaims a statement of blessing to the church that is saturated with the grace of Christ. I love this word, charis, for grace, which translates, "acceptable, benefit, favour, gift, grace(-ious), joy, liberality, pleasure, thank(-s, -worthy)." WOW. INCREDIBLE. Think about this, the love for Christ that we can have is indeed a gift of grace (read Ephesians 2:8-9, and 1 John 4:6-10). It is our pleasure and benefit to affectionatly love Christ. To place Him alone as our treasure (Matthew 6:21), means that we indeed receive the riches of His grace (Ephesians 1:7). Why would we want to be conformed to this world? What does this world have to offer in comparison to the benefit of Christ, our King? I hope this same statement of blessing be upon you as you read this; may His grace be with with you!

3. Verse 24 - Here, we see Paul give tender love to the church. What I truly see here is the opposite of verse 22. In verse 22, Paul gives a truthful declaration of judgment upon those that don't tenderly love and affectionaly adore Christ as their treasure. However, in verse 24, Paul seems to give that same love to the church. It challenged me with this thought: What kind of love do I give the bride? I believe we can take a challenge here that we are called to love the bride with the same love (phileo), as Christ, who is the bridegroom. This really reshapes the way I look at church in many ways. May the bride of Christ be drenched with the grace of Christ; which can draw her to affectionatly love and adore Christ as her head.

Some thoughts to begin a weekend. Open up and read 1 Corinthians.

Soli Deo Gloria.


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