Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Good times in Simpson

I just returned last night from a weekend reunion with my family in Simpson, IL. I love the country. I love waking up to Aunt Roberta's cooking, coffee on the back porch, and great talks around the table. It's a great place to get away and realize how simple and joyful life can be. I'm grateful for my family. Please read a post I wrote a while back about my Aunt Roberta. She is indeed a hero of the faith.

On Sunday morning, I had the sweet privilege of preaching at the 10:30am service at Gilead Cumberland Presbyterian church. What a wonderful church family! The text was on Romans 5 and my challenge was to enjoy Christ above the pleasures of this world, for through Him alone, we have justification by faith. What an amazing truth. What a Savior. I'm grateful for Brother Bud's graciousness in allowing me the opportunity to preach. He is a hero of the faith as well. I enjoy seeing his love for his congregation. His love reminds me of the love that Paul must've had for the church at Corinth. His love is what I aspire to have if I'm ever privileged to pastor a flock under the guidance of my Savior. I pray more churches around this world would have pastors like Brother Bud, who is faithful to preach the Word and lead his congregation to glorify God Almighty.

Spend time in the Word today. Enjoy good times of sweet fellowship with the Spirit. May His Glorious Light shine in you in ways that radiate His beauty. As I observed the song of birds around me in the Simpson country air; bringing glory to their maker, may we as His treasured creation bring Him glory, aided by His Spirit. Read Genesis 1:26-28 and connect it to Ephesians 2:8-10. Fall on your knees and praise Him for His mighty grace.

Soli Deo Gloria,


1 comment:

Brooke said...

I LOVE Brother Bud!!! He is truly a man seeking after God's heart and his love and generosity AMAZES me! He is an outstanding pastor who is truly invested in the lives of his flock. Lord, may we have his passion and devotion.