Why is Resurrection Day so important? In order for us to fully get a glimpse of the beauty of this weekend, we must tackle this question. This weekend is a glorious reminder of the grace, mercy, kindness, power, and glory of our Lord. For just a few minutes, let's focus in on a few points together that will guide us in celebrating over the empty tomb. You may want to have John 20 open with me as we look at these points together.
The Empty Tomb brings excitement in worship.
-You may notice in John 20:1-2 the excitement that arose to the early morning followers. The first verse lets us know why we gather on Sunday morning for worship. We gather, on the first day of the week, to worship in great excitement. I'm not too legalistic with the fact that it HAS to be Sunday we worship as a church body...but I'm sold on the riches of Sunday morning. I wonder...do we wake up on Sunday mornings with great excitement in worship? Do we sing, fellowship, listen, read, and serve in a way that radiates the power of the empty tomb? It's sometimes difficult for me to worship with excitement because of a long list of responsibilities that come with being a staff member. I'm convicted by this. I want to wake up on Sundays with excitement over worship.
I remember a time early in my ministry when I was asked to play the organ in my church. I wasn't familiar with all the organ buttons...and pedals. Well, during the invitation...I experimented with the pedal of the organ. My curiosity led me to believe that the pedal was to serve as a sustaining tool for the instrument. It wasn't. It was the volume pedal. I managed to make an entire row of blue-haired women jump during the response to the Gospel. There was excitement that morning in worship.
-I love how John 20:3-4 shows us the fact that John was more athletic than Peter. How important is it that we know that John beat Peter to the empty tomb? I love the Bible. May we wake up this Sunday morning with Psalm 100:2 in our souls; "Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs." Let us worship with the JOY that our Savior is alive! Let us worship with gladness that He is ALIVE and we are ALIVE in Him!
The Empty Tomb brings clarity to Scripture.
-John 20:8-9 shows us the importance of Scripture in the life, ministry, atonement, and resurrection of our Lord. I love how the Scriptures tell us that the disciples were overwhelmed with excitement over the empty tomb...and were focusing on the ramifications the experience had on understanding Scripture. 2 male witnesses came to the tomb...to verify the testimony of the women. This perfectly connects to Deuteronomy 17:6 and 19:15. The Empty tomb was a believable and credible story with Scripture being fulfilled in the witness of the 2 male disciples. I wonder if we approach the empty tomb with the certainty on our questions being answered in Scripture? Do we see the resurrection as the culmination and definition of the entire Bible? Paul reminds us that, "And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith," 1 Corinthians 15:14. I love this story. John and Peter had a Biblical discussion on the way home. Peter would later take the encounter of the empty tomb and use it to preach...Scripture. Take just a moment and read Psalm 16:10. After you read this verse, see how Peter uses it to help bring clarity to Scripture in preaching on the empty tomb in Acts 2:25-28.
The Empty Tomb brings Transformation.
-Finally, we see in John 20:11-29...two stories of two people being transformed by the empty tomb. Mary becomes a missionary (John 20:11-18) and Thomas becomes a believer (John 20:24-29). The empty tomb transformed the lives of these two heroes of the faith. How has the resurrection transformed you?
When I was a child, my mother MADE me take piano lessons. I hated it. I had to practice each day for about 15-20 minutes...in order to impress someone that I didn't care about in a 30 minute lesson. For years, I had no joy or passion for the piano. I wanted an escape. After many years of nagging, my parents allowed me to quit taking lessons. When I turned 15, my aunt Leta passed away. Leta was an incredible pianist. I loved visiting her home and sitting in the living room as she played for us. I'll never forget the immediate transformation that took place in my life as soon as she passed away. I blew the dust off of my piano books and began to play. In just a few days, I wrote a song for her that was played at her memorial service. Now, as a 27 year old, I have passion and excitement to play. What happened? I saw the treasure of the instrument.
So often, we go to church because we HAVE to. We do quiet times because we feel like we HAVE to. We develop a distaste for the very treasure that we should celebrate. I truly believe if we look at the victory and infinite worth of the empty tomb, we will daily live as transformed, adopted, children of the Most High. Instead of going to church this Sunday morning because you HAVE to...why not read John 19-21 and see the importance of the celebration? See the victory that is both yours and mine in the empty grave.
Friend, Resurrection Day is important. Let us celebrate together this Sunday.
Soli Deo Gloria!
Шахтинские индивидуалки. Парке Гагарина в 15.00.
2 years ago
1 comment:
Thank you so much for this wonderful message on the resurrection of our Lord Jesus. May our Lord continue to shine through you and your blog. God bless, Lloyd
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