Monday, June 28, 2010

The Center of our Response

As a church, how can we genuinely and practically respond to the Gospel? When we read of the steadfast love of our Father who sent His Son to save sinners...what should our response be? When we digest the truth that we went from being objects of His wrath to adoption into His can we respond? The center of our response can be found in 1 Peter 3:8.

"Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind." - 1 Peter 3:8, ESV

I love this verse! This morning, it about knocked me out of my quiet time chair. How can a church function with unity, love, tenderness, and humility? The Gospel. The center of our response to the Gospel is understanding our daily need for His grace and relaying that need to others. I often times fall into the trap of my own pride which allows me to think that my steps are important, my words matter, and my leadership counts. Pride can swallow us up...which will take away the response the Gospel deserves. I've seen leadership so swallowed up in pride that sin isn't recognized...and disguised by the errors of others. The center of fallen man's response is his own hopeless determination. The center of our response to His Gospel must be in the words that Peter penned for our benefit.

What is the center of your response daily to His Gospel? Do you ignore it? Do you take it for granted? Do you proclaim it? Do you live with joy? Do you forgive others? Do you own up to your own sins? Do you recognize your desperate need for His presence? May the center of our response be like 1 Peter 3:8. Even in the context of suffering as this text is located in...may in all seasons we celebrate the Gospel of our Lord.

I believe this genuine response will show the validity of our faith and our passion for His Gospel.

Soli Deo Gloria!


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Gospel according to...cell phones

This morning, I had the joy of preaching the Gospel to the new 6th grade class at CrossPoint church. I always love having opportunities to share the good news of my redemption to others. In this particular morning, I shared a story about my past that led to this blog post.

Before I share my story about cell phones, I want to share a quick story with you. After my first year of faithful service to my first church...I received a cell phone...and $300. What a blessing. OK, now for the longer story.

Cell phones have become the RAVE these days. In 2001, I got my first cell phone. My first church that I served in student ministry gave me a phone to use for "student ministry purposes." I looked at the phone as a gift from above. The phone was my driving joy each day. I'd call people simply to tell them that I had a cell phone. It was great.

With my new cell phone came a book that held all the rules and guidelines to the phone. As an idiot, I threw the book in the backseat of my car and went about my frenzy of calls. During this time, I had a long distance relationship with a girl named...well, I forgot. All I remember is that it lasted 2 weeks. Anyways, we talked at night on the phone. We talked alot. A month later, I received my first bill. The bill was $300!! I was dumbfounded. I refused to read the manual and had a fine to pay as a result. In the grace of the church...the payment was made in advance.

Take just a minute and chew on Romans 3:23-26. In this rich text, we see that the love of Father went BEFORE us to redeem us at the atoning expense of His only Son. Our salvation was sealed before we were born through the eternal riches of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:7). We are saved, not by anything we have done...but by ALL that He has done for us...before us. The payment was made before the fine hit for our lives today. What grace.

Looking at my cell phone today, I'm reminded of what happened years ago. I broke the manual. I refused to live by the standards of my God. In His grace, He sent Jesus to suffer in my place. Just like the garden (Genesis 3:1-21)...Jesus paid it all.

I abide by my cell phone guidelines now after what happened in college. As a redeemed child of God, I strive to abide by His standards...perfectly accomplished in the Living Vine; Jesus Christ, my Savior and my Lord (John 15).

Soli Deo Gloria!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

RED LETTERS...not man's letters

I just returned a few days ago from an incredible weekend with my High School students at CrossPoint. The focus for the weekend camp was THE RED LETTERS. When you look at the New Testament Scriptures, you will see the words Jesus spoke in red. This has always signified the grace and love He poured on the cross with His own blood. I was raised in a glorious home in which every time the RED LETTERS appeared...I automatically saw Jesus. It seems in most churches and ministries, the RED LETTERS have been replaced by man's letters. Please permit me to explain.

Mark 10:35-40 reveals to us the sinful desire for James and John to have their own letters next to the RED LETTERS of Jesus. In other words, they wanted the high position of worthy standing next to Jesus. What was the motive? I'm not fully sure what the motive was...but I do see much of it in today's society. We trust in the blogs, notes, leadership, direction, encouragement, guidance, and wisdom of man...and neglect to live under the joy of the Gospel. The way Jesus responded to this request should prompt us to live under His RED LETTERS.

Mark 10:45 served as our main verse for one of the three sessions this past weekend. In this verse, Jesus said, "For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." The RED LETTERS, the Gospel of our Lord can be clearly defined in this singular verse. We are ransomed by the grace of our Almighty God, paid for in full on the cross. It's not that we exist to do great things for Him. I believe He does great things in us...for Himself. It's not selfish. It's glorious. Who can compare to Him? He has no rival outside of His Triune nature. The RED LETTERS should spark in us the joy that in our sinful living and our selfish motives...our Savior ransomed us to receive the beautiful grace of His righteousness. In other words, we receive the undeserved favor of receiving the rightful standing needed in order to enter glory for all eternity. With that being said...what letters do we have to offer?

Some practical ways I've seen man's letters attempt to take the spotlight of the RED LETTERS are in the following.

1. "Your leadership motivates me to be a better Christian." Apart from the RED LETTERS, man cannot possibly lead. We lead only by the RED LETTERS.

2. "Your blog, your notes inspire me every day." Again, the RED LETTERS should give us the inspiration needed daily...for in the RED LETTERS, we are saved.

3. "Your encouragement is ALL I need." Well, encouragement is great (Hebrews 3:13), but we receive eternal encouragement in the Savior that all of Hebrews 3 talks about!

These are some of many practical ways in which man's letters are brought into picture. Friend, I struggle with this. Sometimes in the back of my mind...I wonder, "Was that sermon good?" or, "Am I good at what I do?" I tend to have the temptation almost daily to rely on my letters and not the RED LETTERS of my Savior. Repentance is a must in this area. The joy of His RED LETTERS forgives me when I want my own letters to interfere. He is gracious. He is all worthy of my praise.

May we not lean on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5) or our own desire to lead (1 Corinthians 1:12); but may we live under the grace of His Gospel; His RED LETTERS.

Soli Deo Gloria!
