Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Gospel according to...cell phones

This morning, I had the joy of preaching the Gospel to the new 6th grade class at CrossPoint church. I always love having opportunities to share the good news of my redemption to others. In this particular morning, I shared a story about my past that led to this blog post.

Before I share my story about cell phones, I want to share a quick story with you. After my first year of faithful service to my first church...I received a cell phone...and $300. What a blessing. OK, now for the longer story.

Cell phones have become the RAVE these days. In 2001, I got my first cell phone. My first church that I served in student ministry gave me a phone to use for "student ministry purposes." I looked at the phone as a gift from above. The phone was my driving joy each day. I'd call people simply to tell them that I had a cell phone. It was great.

With my new cell phone came a book that held all the rules and guidelines to the phone. As an idiot, I threw the book in the backseat of my car and went about my frenzy of calls. During this time, I had a long distance relationship with a girl named...well, I forgot. All I remember is that it lasted 2 weeks. Anyways, we talked at night on the phone. We talked alot. A month later, I received my first bill. The bill was $300!! I was dumbfounded. I refused to read the manual and had a fine to pay as a result. In the grace of the church...the payment was made in advance.

Take just a minute and chew on Romans 3:23-26. In this rich text, we see that the love of Father went BEFORE us to redeem us at the atoning expense of His only Son. Our salvation was sealed before we were born through the eternal riches of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:7). We are saved, not by anything we have done...but by ALL that He has done for us...before us. The payment was made before the fine hit for our lives today. What grace.

Looking at my cell phone today, I'm reminded of what happened years ago. I broke the manual. I refused to live by the standards of my God. In His grace, He sent Jesus to suffer in my place. Just like the garden (Genesis 3:1-21)...Jesus paid it all.

I abide by my cell phone guidelines now after what happened in college. As a redeemed child of God, I strive to abide by His standards...perfectly accomplished in the Living Vine; Jesus Christ, my Savior and my Lord (John 15).

Soli Deo Gloria!


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