Friday, April 30, 2010

Why I love student ministry

On Wednesday night this week, I announced to my students at Summit that I will leaving soon to begin a new season of student ministry in Alabama. The news was a shock to many. Some were hurt and some were upset. I wrote this on my twitter before I went to bed that night, "Tonight was one of the hardest AND glorious nights of my life." I meant that. I still mean that. Looking into the eyes of my students and sharing my departure took the very heart out of my chest for a second and placed it back in with cuts. I love my church at Summit. I've been blessed for close to 5 years to work in such a great church with a great group of students and adults. These next few weeks will come with many tears and laughter as I say goodbye to many that I love and anticipate meeting new family in a new state. So, for the purpose of my face remaining dry as I type, I want to submit to you a few reasons why I love student ministry. These reasons come after my experience this past Wednesday night at Summit.

1. I love student ministry because students catch a glimpse of God's glory in a way that adults can follow. On Wednesday night, I shared from Acts 1, 20, and 1 Timothy 6 the reasons for my departure. The Spirit, in only a way that HE can, drew us together to see the glory of the Savior in the midst of tears. We saw in His Word that a time came for Paul to leave Timothy, the Ephesian elders, and Jesus with His disciples. After we gazed upon the beauty of God's Word, my students did the unthinkable...they worshipped. WHAT? YES. In an evening that they should've went home and left their church...they remained and exalted the Risen Savior. With hands lifted, we sang hymns of centuries old, songs of new, and combined joy in the presence of the Lord. How could they possibly have such a response like this? Many of them GET IT.

2. I love student ministry because students want to know about this man named Jesus...not Dave. During our time together on Wednesday night, we looked at 1 Corinthians 3:4-7. In this text, Paul calls out the tendency to follow man, instead of the glory of the Lord. Many in the church today fall into this trap. We follow man that sins instead of the Savior who became SIN for us. I've made mistakes in student ministry. I know some may find that to be surprising...but it's true! I'd like to think that success can be defined in any ministry when the leader is called away and the followers are still amazed by Jesus the Nazarene. If people follow the leader...than Christ was not the subject of the ministry. On Wednesday night, after the message was over...students lifted their hands out to the Father with united hearts of adoration. Only a few came up to me and told me that they would miss me. Am I upset by that? NO. On the contrary, I am refreshed in His presence to see the result of His kingdom come.

3. I love student ministry because students share in the joy of others. Before I made my announcement of my departure to my students, 3 young men that I've had the joy of mentoring over the years met with me in the parking lot. I looked these 3 in the eye, with much love, and shared my news of leaving. To my joyful surprise, all 3 were excited and hugged me. They expressed their desire for my ministry leadership to grow. They hugged me. They walked inside the room and worshipped with their peers. Since my announcement, I've had facebook messages, texts, tweets, etc., with joy and excitement for the new season. Do you know what this communicates to me? SELFLESS abandonment to the Father. Adults can learn from this. Leaders in church can learn from this. I learned from this Wednesday night. I pray I can have that maturity and joy when those I love depart for God-glorifying reasons.

I love student ministry. I'm excited about the new season to come. I am sad for the conclusion of this season at Summit. I'm grateful for the opportunity Summit gave me to serve. I'm grateful for the patience of many, and the prayers of the saints. Above all, I'm grateful for the grace of my Lord who equipped me by His Spirit, energized me through the Gospel of His Son, to proclaim the truth of His Name.

Soli Deo Gloria!



Solid Rock or Sinking Sand said...

God's blessings too you. Lloyd

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your blog but one question keeps coming back to me: Why are you leaving your current church?

please check out my blog "Road to Glory @

God bless.