Monday, May 3, 2010

2 Friends serving as mints

When I get nervous, I have to put mints in my mouth. It's a strange thing, but the mints calm my stomach down...which prevents me from giving up whatever is in me! I know, TMI. Anyways, mints have always served as a much needed relief from something big to come. The toughest moments of my life bring a necessity for mints; the hardest come with preaching. There's just something about standing in front of a body of people with the task of bringing a message from God's Word that makes me shake. I love preaching. It terrifies me. I need mints.

This past Sunday, I needed mints. I stood before my church family and announced my resignation and future plans for ministry in Alabama. Before I walked to the stage, I had my mints. They helped. During the first service, I downed about 10 mints before walking to the stage. During the second service, something happened that overcame my need for mints.

I have 2 dear friends named Brad and Ben. Before I walked to the stage to announce the saddest news I've given in a long friends sat next to me. I had their support. I had their brotherhood. I had no need for mints. I had friends that supported me during a time of much anxiety and nervousness.

Friends are better than mints. We need them to stand next to us during trials and seasons. This past Sunday, my gracious Lord showed me more beautiful meanings behind Proverbs 27:17 with 2 dear friends that gave support to me that weighed far more than any mints could even compare. I'm grateful for them. They sharpened me (from Proverbs 27:17). They served as my mints. More than that, they acted like family.

Soli Deo Gloria,


1 comment:

M Combs, said...

Awesome word picture. I will think of friends every time I put a mint into my mouth.
