Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Jaw is still on the floor

My jaw is still on the floor. That's all I can say still after this past Sunday. Since January, the Holy Spirit has overwhelmed me with joy over the impact of the Young Preachers Society in my church. For the past 5 months, close to 10 different young preachers from high school took the pulpit and proclaimed the excellent Word of our Lord. This past Sunday was the culmination of an excellent adventure. 3 corporate worship services with 3 young preachers from the society. The result? Well, my jaw is still on the floor.

All 3 young preachers had the Word of God marinaded on their souls to where the flavor of His truth was poured out to His church. I didn't hear flashy stories or pointless humor. I didn't hear classless insults or prideful boasting. I didn't see superficial expressions or separated illustrations. What I saw and heard was the gracious voice of my Lord found in His Word with the help from His anointed young preachers. All 3 had the Word memorized and maintained in it's right context. All 3 were excited about their responsibility. All 3 took the pulpit with great humility. All 3 gave glory to the One that defines the Word. All 3 accurately showed the weight of sin and the sufficiency of Christ, the Victor. (All 3 opened my eyes to my first sermon 12 years ago. What a tragedy, that was!)

My jaw is still on the floor. I'm amazed by the power of my Lord. I hope the legacy that I attempted to leave will show my church that I was out preached by 3 guys who are at least a decade behind me. I pray my church will see the treasure of true student ministry; not in games or events, but in the display of the eternal worth of Christ found in the hearts of teenagers. I believe the Young Preachers Society painted that picture brilliantly this past Sunday.

I hope what Paul wrote to Timothy was what I left at Summit; "You, however, have followed my teaching, my conduct, my aim in life, my faith, my patience, my love, my steadfastness." 2 Timothy 3:10

My jaw is still on the floor.

Soli Deo Gloria!

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