"First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people" - 1 Timothy 2:1, ESV
Have you ever promised someone that you would pray for him or her? Have you failed in that promise? It seems the honest thing we should do as followers of Jesus is to either fulfill our commitment in intercession prayer or not make the promise to begin with. For example, what if when someone asked for prayer, we replied with, "I really hurt for you, but I since I won't remember your request, I can't promise you I will pray." What a horrible thing to say in church! Well, at least it’s honest. You see, we tend to treat prayer like a passing gesture instead of a divine privilege. May this blog post today encourage you to pray...and really pray.
Paul wrote this verse with great passion to his young friend in regards to biblical worship. 1 Timothy 2 is immersed with a Spirit-led guideline for worship. It should come to us at no surprise that prayer begins the section. Without pure and honest prayer, how can we truly worship? How can we believe and trust in the greatness of God if we refuse to speak to Him? Friend, we have a divine privilege each day to enter into His presence through Christ, our Mediator (1 Timothy 2:5). I believe it's time we quit treating prayer like a nice comment or gesture and handle it with graceful privilege. As the bride of Christ, let us pray for one another with sweet intercession. May our prayers for our leaders not be for our selfish conclusions but rather God's sovereign plans. May our promises to pray for others not be forgotten.
Why did I write on this today? Well, last night after the Wednesday night movie time with my students, I walked into the student center to grab a bottle of water. As I was walking into the room, some students were circled together near the stage. My intern was on the stage with a mic in his hand praying. I grabbed the bottle of water quietly and proceeded to the door. Right before my hand touched the door, I heard my name lifted up in prayer. I stood near the door for almost a minute as my dear friend prayed for me. The sweet intercession brought sweet peace to my soul as I drove home after a long day at the church.
I was prayed for that night.
Pray. Pray for someone today. Make a promise to pray for someone else...and really do it.