Thursday, July 8, 2010

And Your Praise Goes On....

Last night, I had the joy of praising my Lord and my God with my CrossPoint students. The night began in similar fashion. We met at the same time, in the same room, for the same purpose; corporate worship. We had an announcement video, a few songs, a message, and a response song. When I looked at my watch, the time was about 7:30pm when the "program" was over. I'm not a big fan of that word, but that is what Wednesday nights can tend to be. When we dismissed the students to go home, some stayed. Instead of talking and socializing, they stayed to continue worshipping. The Praise continued well after the "program" was over.

His praise continues. Last night, I saw a dozen students stay in the worship center, in their own separated spots, worshipping their Savior. Without a spotlight on themselves, they worshipped without shame. The praise continued well after the program was over. Song after song was played in the room as the students responded with great joy in the presence of their Lord. The praise continued well after the program was over. Seeing many of their facebook statuses when they got home...I saw more praise. His praise continues.

Psalm 150

Praise the LORD.a

Praise God in his sanctuary;

praise him in his mighty heavens.

2Praise him for his acts of power;

praise him for his surpassing greatness.

3Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet,

praise him with the harp and lyre,

4praise him with tambourine and dancing,

praise him with the strings and flute,

5praise him with the clash of cymbals,

praise him with resounding cymbals.

6Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.

Praise the LORD.

Don't wait for programmed time to praise your Lord and your God. His praise continues. Even when we don't have a song to sing, His praise continues. Even if we don't have a sermon preached, His praise continues. Even if we don't have a scheduled time to join together, His praise continues. I find this song by Chris Rice most helpful. Read it and may the praise in your heart continue...

The moon is high and the sunset fades
The lullabies have all been sung
We’re tuckin’ in another day
And stars appear now one by one
But the stillness moves and the silence yields
And not a single beat is lost
You can hear the chorus in the fields

Taking up where we left off
And Your praise goes on, rising to Your throne
Where You guard us while we dream
Past the stars they fly, Your praises fill the sky
‘Til You wake us with the dawn
And Your praise goes on

Now bring your warmth, O morning sun
Chase the stars and the moon away
And wake us with your brightest song
And add our voice to your refrain
Now rise up everything that lives!
Flap your wings and leap for joy!
Oh forest lift your arms and sway!
Clap your hands you ocean waves!

And Your praise goes on, rising to Your throne
Where You bless our toil and play
Through the clouds they rise, Your praises fill the skies
‘Til the setting of the sun
And Your praise goes on
And when my final breath You lend
I’ll thank You for the life You gave
But that won’t mean the praises end
‘Cause I won’t be silenced by the grave!

And Your praise goes on
I’ll be runnin’ to Your throne
With every nation, tribe and tongue
To Your arms I’ll fly
I’ll gaze into Your eyes
Then I’ll know as I am known
And Your praise goes on
And Your praise goes on
And Your praise goes on

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