Saturday, January 31, 2009

How sweet it is to be loved by Him!

Ok, I stole the idea of the title from an old song that many of you, I'm sure are familiar with. Please forgive me. I don't like the song, but those words tie in well with the text that is on my heart this morning. I've been talking with a few friends lately about 1 John. It is a powerful book which contains theology that helps us as believers to "practice" what the other books teach us. I went through this book not too long ago with my high school students on Wednesday night. We experienced a wonderful study together...I'd encourage you to go through all of it. The book is only 5 can read it in under 10 minutes! Give it a shot...come on.

I love the text in 1 John 4:10. Look at this verse with me. "In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins." To quote a phrase that many of my students often say, "SICK!" We get our definition of love, (backing up to verse 7) from the ONE that loves us! This word for love used here is: agape (ag-ah'-pay: love, i.e. affection or benevolence; specially (plural) a love-feast -- (feast of) charity(-ably), dear, love). I like that definition: "love feast." We love...we know love...we experience love...we even use the word (often times when we don't mean it)...because HE FIRST LOVED US! It's not that we loved God...but He loved us and sent His Son to show us why. I believe nobody will understand the love of God without knowing how He expressed that love. It was expressed at the cross.

The word used here, "propitiation" is defined as: atonement, i.e. (concretely) an expiator -- propitiation. In other words, it means that Christ paid the fine (Heb 9:22) for our sins (Gen 3:7-21) so that we can experienced the wealth of God's eternal love (Romans 5:1-8). Oh, how sweet it is loved to be loved by...HIM! This is TRUE LOVE. This is a steadfast, undeserving love that none of us deserve, but by His grace, we receive it. It's only by the blood.

Do I live like I'm loved by Him? Do you live daily like you are truly loved by Him? I believe when it gets into our minds that its not about us loving God, but Him loving us, then we can do verse 7; "love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God." I believe, through the indwelling of His Marvelous Spirit, we can love one another by means of rejoicing in verse 10! We love, we sing, we preach, we work, we share, we listen, we walk, we run, we read, we talk, we write, we do WHATEVER...because of the driving doctrine that should have full capture of our lives; that doctrine is: In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Please join me as I live my life, rejoicing that I'm loved. However, let us never forget the price that was paid by the King so we can enter the banquet hall one day, righteous, blameless; because of the propitiation of Jesus Christ.

Take time and read 1 John 4:7-10. what a powerful gift! What an amazing definition of TRUE LOVE.

Oh, how sweet it is to be loved by...HIM!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Simple Service Living room Sessions

Ok, for the title of this blog post, I stole the last two words from a Chris Rice album (The Living Room sessions). But, it does communicate the joyous night I had with my brothers tonight as we sang songs to our King. My church just recently began a "simple service." This phrase came from our pastor, who had a vision, with our elders, to have a new service at the church. This service was to be as simple as possible. For example, no large choirs, orchestras, flashy bands, colorful lights, etc. It was simply to be a service that was simply led as if everyone was sitting together in a living room. Well, I believe in the last few weeks, this service has lived up to its name! Black and white power point slides for the songs, piano, acoustic guitar, hand drum, and bass guitar as the instruments...and only a sheet of paper provided to each person which contains the lyrics to each song. It is SIMPLE! I love it.

The team that I have the joy of leading this new service with, just left my home. I love each of them. We don't gather to "practice." We don't gather to "discuss how the service will go." We gather for one purpose; musical worship. I love it. In my living room, we meet each Tuesday night and simply sing songs to our glorious King. We don't stress over details or worry about how smooth transitions may or may not be; we simply worshipped. I love it.

Look at this passage of Scripture with me; "Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God." (Colossians 3:16). AMEN! I love this verse. Look at the first word with me; Let. In the original language, we have the word enoikeo en-oy-keh'-o, which simply means: to inhabit (figuratively) -- dwell in. How do we do the last part of the verse? How do we sing with thanksgiving in our hearts to God? We SIMPLY let, allow habitation of Christ to be in us! We dwell in His Word which produces a simple joy of musical worship. I believe in the church today, this is sadly missed. We get so busy and worked over details and cues and practices and room temperatures and time and so many other things...that we forget the joy of SIMPLY letting the Word of Christ to dwell in our souls richly. I love this word for richly: plousios (ploo-see'-oce: copiously -- abundantly, richly.) When we inhabit ourselves in the Word of Christ, it produces an abundance of...HIM! What is our response? Well, I believe our response is what my friends and I did tonight in my living room. We sing songs to the King. I want to close this blog with a song we sang tonight, for it blessed my soul in so many ways. Allow the Word to dwell in you. Simply come to Him. Simply marvel at His grace. Simply...Sing to Jesus (by Fernando Ortega)

Come and see, look on this mystery
The Lord of the Universe, nailed to a tree
Christ our God, spilling His Holy blood
Bowing in anguish, His sacred head

Sing to Jesus, Lord of our shame
Lord of our sinful hearts. He is our great Redeemer.
Sing to Jesus, Honor His name.
Sing of His faithfulness, pouring His life out unto death

Come you weary and He will give you rest
Come you who mourn, lay on His breast
Christ who died, risen in Paradise
Giver of mercy, Giver of Life

Sing to Jesus His is the throne
Now and forever, He is the King of Heaven.
Sing to Jesus, we are His own.
Now and forever sing for the love our God has shown.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Closing up a Great Weekend

It is almost 6:30pm on a beautiful Sunday evening and I'm here at my laptop typing a post after a great weekend with new friends. This past weekend, I had the blessing of going to Ruston, LA to speak to some students from the L.A. Tech Baptist Collegiate Ministry. We spent the weekend together at a retreat center about 30 miles from campus. I went for the purpose of preaching 3 sessions. It was fun...wierd, because I'm not used to speaking to so many college students...but still fun! I'm grateful for their acceptance of me and willingness to make me part of their faith family for the weekend. I'm encouraged that on a weekend where most college students are making poor choices, these students paid to leave their campus and glorify God. It thrilled my soul to see so many in love with the Almighty. I can say without any hesitation that we truly worshipped together our great Father in Heaven. I can say without any hesitation that we praised Him for the gift of His Son; Jesus Christ, who paid our redemption. We praised Him for delivering us from the domain of darkness and leading us into His Marvelous Light. I believe His Spirit was truly among us. It was wonderful...Thank you, L.A. Tech friends.

On Friday night, I was watching the praise band lead us in some songs. During the second song, a wierd emotion found its way into my heart. I looked at the student leaders on stage. I looked around the room at all the other students singing along. All of a sudden, I had a strong yearning to pray for my students. My prayers were that they would not drop out of church when they left high school. My prayers were that they would take opportunities like the students I was with, to get away from school and temptations, and to glorify the Almighty. My prayers were that they would live out their calling and proclaim the Gospel. My prayers were that they would daily live their lives in worship of the King. This yearning was from my soul. I desired for my current students to grow up to be adults that will lead younger students to the Savior. I want them not to be "church kids." I want my students to be born again, blood bought, sold out, hungry children of the Living God. I want my students to find their satisfaction in Him Alone.

Look at this verse with me. Paul writes, "make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose." (Phil 2:2). I love this verse! Paul was in prison during the time of this writing. He had every reason in the world to focus only on himself. However, in the midst of pain, in the midst of persecution, in the midst of loneliness; he writes these powerful words. Wow! What would lead him to write that? I believe it was the obvious testimony that he was justified by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, he was sanctified by the truth of God, and he knew that soon he would be glorified when death took his body (read Romans 8:30 for more info). Paul had an everlasting joy that was given to him through the indwelling of God Almighty. His Spirit led him to proclaim the riches of God's grace. Paul wasn't just a church guy.

So...what made Paul's joy complete? It was his yearning for a people to be of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, and intent on one purpose! Well, what does that mean? You find that answer as you read on! "Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus." (Phil 2:3-5) If you read after this, you will see a beautiful hymn about the majesty and love of Christ. Read it!

This verse was taught to me this weekend by a wonderful group of college students. They modeled these verses in their lives. How was that possible? I believe it was possible, because they weren't simply church people. They weren't church kids that were now older. They were a faith family that loved the King. I pray my students, when they graduate and leave one day...will join that chorus.

Closing up a great weekend...Soli Deo Gloria!


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Living for His Glory

I've been asking myself one question all morning: "How can I live every second of every day for the glory of God?" I'm captivated by God's glory. It's moved me to the point in which thinking of myself makes me sick. I'm not trying to sound self-righteous. I'm not trying to sound boastful. I'm trying to communicate a truth that I believe the Spirit is pouring into the deepest core of my soul. I delight in the Glory of God my Father. I delight in His saving grace by reconciling me to Himself through the blood of His only Son; Jesus Christ, my Savior and Lord. I was once an enemy, but now through Jesus Christ, I am an adopted child. Look at this verse with me: "But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name." (John 1:12) Why would He adopt us, call us, choose us, elect us to Himself? I believe it is for His glory. Jesus called us to salvation to receive this marvelous glory. Look at this verse: "Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world."(John 17:24) What a gift! What else would I talk about? What else could I boast in? I'm sick of thinking, talking, dreaming, wanting, speaking, singing, walking, working, reading, praying, studying, leading, loving...only for myself. If you were to think with me for just a moment, you may find yourself in the same boat that I'm in. I find myself to be a very selfish person in many ways. The Glory of God the Father has captivated my attention this morning. I only want to boast in Him.

What has He done? Why is He worthy of our praise? Why would we want to delight in His Glory? Look at this verse with me: "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus whom God displayed publicly as a propitiation in His blood through faith. This was to demonstrate His righteousness, because in the forbearance of God He passed over the sins previously committed for the demonstration, I say, of His righteousness at the present time, so that He would be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus." (Romans 3:23-26). God is worthy of all praise for He passed His justice of our sinful nature over to His Son. He cancelled our debt. He erased our fine by sending His Son to pay it all. What amazes me is that His Son was so passionate about the glory of His Father! Look at these verses: "Now My soul has become troubled; and what shall I say, 'Father, save Me from this hour '? But for this purpose I came to this hourFather, glorify Your name." Then a voice came out of heaven: "I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again." (John 12:27-28) Jesus died...not just thinking of us. Jesus died...not just only because He loved us. Jesus glorify His Father. He died out of obedience to His Father. Glory. Jesus proclaimed the glory of His Father. What do we proclaim?

I'm sick of thinking of only myself. I'm sick of worship that is man-centered. I'm sick of hearing and reading anything that negates the glory of God. I exist for His glory. I'm captivated by it today.

Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts. I have not catchy closing line. I just wanted to share with you what I believe the Spirit has spoken to me. I like what John Piper writes about the glory of God, "God is glorified precisely when we are satisfied in Him - when we delight in His presence, when we like to be around Him, when we treasure His fellowship. This is an utterly life-changing discovery. it frees us to pursue our joy in God and God to pursue His glory in us because they are not two different pursuits. God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him." (John Piper, Let the Nations be Glad, page 32).

Sunday, January 18, 2009

kaleo meets parakaleo

This is a picture my friend Moo gave me. I found it fitting to put it here with this past weekend's experience.
Well, I'm writing this blog after spending a wonderful weekend with high school students and my adult leaders in Copper Hill, TN. It was a great time of worship and fellowship. It was a blessing to my soul. I still can't believe that I get paid for what I do. Please permit me to share with you this evening what the Lord impressed upon my heart.

During the weekend, we looked at the word kaleo, which in the Greek language stands for, "to call, bid, summon, etc." It's a powerful word. It contains powerful theology (the study of God). Our three sessions were entitled: Called into Existence " Paul writes in Romans 4:17, 'as it is written, "A FATHER OF MANY NATIONS HAVE I MADE YOU") in the presence of Him whom he believed, even God, who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist." This passage revealed to us the wonders of God calling us into life. The next session focused on Summoned to Repentance. Here, we looked at Luke 5:32, when Jesus said, "I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance."." This powerful verse reminded us that we are called to Christ, but it comes out of a repentant heart. Finally, we ended the weekend with session 3 on God's Desire in the Call. This session looked at Hebrews 11:8, when the writer wrote, "By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was going." WOW! We are called to existence, called to salvation through repentance, and finally we are called to follow God Almighty to anyplace that He calls...even if it means we don't know where we are going. I can go on and on with this word, but with a few hours of sleep in my body, I must conclude my thoughts soon.

Ok, so I did my job as the youth minister. I organized a retreat. I taught 3 sessions on a simple but yet powerful word. I got my group safely to the site and brought them ALL back. I did my job... right? Well, please permit me to share with you how my students and adults twisted that word kaleo to a different word...which ministered to my soul. The word they taught me...parakaleo. Ever heard of it? (I blogged on it last year). I'll remind you what it stands for. In Hebrews 3:13, we see a powerful verse: "But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called "Today," so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin". This word "encourage" comes from parakaleo. This word literally translates, " to call near, i.e. invite, invoke (by imploration, hortation or consolation) -- beseech, call for, (be of good) comfort, desire, (give) exhort(-ation), intreat, pray. In other words, it means to "to call near for good comfort, desire, and exhortation. How did they call near to me? How did they call to my aid and encourage my soul? They suffered with me with great joy over a terrible Saturday morning...

On Saturday, we woke up to several problems. First of all, it was about 4 degrees outside! This weather caused the pipes to freeze; thus taking away running water. On top of that, the cabins weren't properly heated; thus giving us 30 degree rooms. On top of that, most of the staff were trying to fix the problems (which they did a great job), which led to us losing some activity time. It seemed that the problems continued... But to my amazement, my students still had joy. Some went outside and played frisbee. Some stayed inside and played cards (the smart ones). Some read their Bibles. Some talked with others they didn't know well. They didn't complain hardly at all, and taught me a very valuable lesson of encouragement. Even though not all of them came directly to me with words of encouragement; their attitude and willingness to endure the setback was a way that they called out to my aid with love. Their encouragement got me through a tough morning. Our gracious Father blessed us with a great rest of the weekend together. We are home. I'm tired, but still, I find myself overwhelmed with encouragement from my students. I love them.

I went to teach a word called kaleo. I left with a word taught to me; parakaleo. Soli Deo Gloria! To God alone be the glory!



Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Power of Salvation

The Word of God and coffee; a great way to begin the day.
I love to speak to others about salvation. Think about this with me: the God of this world demonstrated His wealth of love and grace to sinners by bringing them into relationship with Him through His Glorious Son; Jesus Christ. I love Romans 5:6-11. Read that today. My friend Ben read that this morning and texted me of how he felt such love in his soul. What a great way to begin a Saturday; the power of salvation.

Recently, I slipped, "Jesus wrote" and was kindly corrected by someone. So, I'd better be careful how I word things on here! Anyways, PAUL WROTE in 1 Corinthians 1:18, "For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." What a powerful passage! I want to show you a few words that were used here in the text. The first word is, moria (mo-ree'-ah, meaning: silliness, i.e. absurdity -- foolishness.) Paul gives us the first extreme of the passage; the message of the cross is MORIA for those that are perishing; those that are 'lost." Compare this passage to what Paul wrote in Romans 5:6-8, "For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." The thought of someone dying for another is crazy to some. I know I would die for my wife. I know I would die for possibly a few others, but to someone that I know in my heart is not worthy of my death; why even have the thought? It is foolishness! It is moria!

The second word is sozo (sode'-zo; meaning: to save, i.e. deliver or protect -- heal, preserve, save (self), do well, be (make) whole). We must understand that we have broken the law. We are sinners in need of deliverance. We need the protection from God's just wrath. We need to be healed. This can only be found, my friend, throught the blood of the Risen Savior! To be saved isn't just to receive a ticket to heaven. It means to be delivered, protected, healed, preserved, made whole, made well, and so on. Why abuse such a beautiful gift? Why pray a prayer and then move on like nothing has happened? Why live our lives as if nothing has changed? I like this word Paul uses. For those that are indeed radically delivered from the domain of darkness, the cross of Christ is...the final word of the day... the POWER of God!

The final word here is dunamis (doo'-nam-is, meaning: force; specially, miraculous power (usually by implication, a miracle itself) What is this miraculous power you may wonder? My friend, it is the power of His grace bringing the dead back to life. It is the power of God burning within us the gift of rebirth (Look at John 3-1-8). It is the gift of a new creation (Look at 2 Corinthians 5:17). It is the power of God!

Perhaps some may have prayed a prayer and not experienced a transformation? Perhaps there is no evidence of salvation because there is not evidence of the power of God in the soul? I'm convinced salvation was given to demonstrate God's amazing glory, love, and grace to this created world. That is why I call my blog: SOLI DEO GLORIA!

I wonder, do you know of His grace? Do you know of His power? Do you know of His salvation through His Son? May His Spirit lead you today to His marvelous Light. I close this blog by quoting something I read this morning in A.W. Tozer's book, God's Pursuit of Man.

" The message of the Gospel, then, is the message of a new creation in the midst of an old, the message of the invasion of our human nature by the eternal life of God and the displacing of the old by the new. The new life seizes upon the believing man's nature and sets about its benign conquest; a conquest which is not complete until the invading life has taken full possession and a new creation has emerged. And this is an ACT OF GOD without human aid, for it is a moral miracle and a spiritual resurrection."

Soli Deo Gloria! Amen.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Faith...what happened?

This is a picture of my friend Floyd. He truly is a man that lives by faith. I respect him greatly.

This morning, I was overwhelmed with shock over the lack of faith Abraham showed to God Almighty. Look at these passages with me: Genesis 12:2, 7, 13:5-6, 15:3-6, 17. These passages reveal to us about God's promise for Abraham (then called Abram) to have descendents. Not just a child, but in the future, more than 1! God revealed His glorious plan to Abraham and yet there were times that Abraham showed lack of faith. Look at these passages with me: Genesis 16, 17:17!!! WHAT HAPPENED! In the previous chapters, God (more than once) revealed to Abraham that he and Sarah would have a child...and yet there is a lack of faith. I wonder, do we ever do the same?

I love what Jesus wrote at the end of Matthew 6. As regenerated believers in Jesus Christ, why do we worry? Why do we live days in uncertainty. Why do we ask ourselves and others questions about the future? Do we truly seek first His Kingdom and HIS righteousness? I was challenged this morning by these chapters in Genesis. My back hurts this morning, so this post will be a bit short. Friend, I encourage you to trust in the Spirit to radiate your faith for the glory of the Father. Through His Son, rejoice in your salvation and remain obedient today.

So often, we want mountain top experiences that increase our faith. Don't trust and expect mountains, trust and expect GOD. I'm currently reading a book entitled Faith and Doubt by John Ortberg. He writes, "If I spend too much time on the mountain, I may be in danger of worshiping the mountain where I met God instead of worshiping God. I'll just want the experience, the feeling, the high." (page 76). I wonder if Abraham just wanted the experience. I wonder if he wanted to "feel" that one day he "might" have descendents? I wonder if we in our own feeble minds tend to rely on feelings but lose sight on trusting in our Sovereign Lord and King every day. My encouragement to you as I've posted before, "seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness" (Matthew 6:33).

Saturday, January 3, 2009

O Brother where art thou?

This is a picture of my old band. In the summer of 2005, we played together in musical worship for the glory of King. Spending a few months with them was such a joy. We did practice Matthew 5:23-24. I miss them.
Have you ever tried to do something in your life while holding anger in your heart toward another? Have you ever tried to laugh when you are angry? Have you ever tried to be a romantic poet while upset? Have you ever tried to worship while being angry? I've learned something very valuable in my life at an early age; when I'm angry, I must seek a remedy before I even attempt to make the next step.

I know what you're probaly thinking right now: Dave is angry. Well, I'm not really (not right now). This morning, I read a powerful passage in Matthew 5:23-24 that got me thinking. Jesus said in His great sermon, "Therefore if you are presenting your offering at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you leave your offering there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your offering." Wow. What else can I add to that? This is right in the middle of a great chapter in Matthew when Jesus addressed the law and declared that He came not to abolish it... but to FULFILL it! (see Matthew 5:17). What can we learn from this? I think a whole lot.

I remember so many times in which I gathered to worship corporately with my church family and left empty. I left feeling superficial. I guarantee that the root of those feelings came from unresolved conflict. Why is it that Christians hold grudges and yet try to walk as "the salt of the earth" (Matthew 5:13). Why is it that Christians try to bring their "best" in worship or dress their "best" or speak their "best" in worship, but not take time to resolve conflict with another? Friend, I believe we must come to God honest. I believe confession isn't just a simple prayer that gets us out of line for hell and in line for heaven, but a daily discipline (see 1 John 1:8-9). In fact, read all of 1 John! We must strive to seek God Almighty, who reconcilled us to Him through His glorious Son... we ought to seek reconcilliation with others to follow our King! (see Matthew 5:48).

Here is what I want you to do. Before you pray, before you sing a praise chorus, before you teach a Bible study; seek after those that you need to be reconciled with. This word reconcile is an interesting word. In the text, it is the word: diallasso (dee-al-las'-so: to change thoroughly, i.e. (mentally) to conciliate -- reconcile.) How can we receive this change thoroughly? It comes from the Father. Seek First His Kingdom and His righteousness and remain obedient to His Word that calls you and I to drop our worship, our offering and get right with our brothers and sisters before we try to come to Him. (If you want more of a challenge, read 1 Corinthians 11, when Paul talks about the Lord's Supper...what we are called to do! Do you practice this?)

A great book I recommend to you: "Everybody's normal till you get to know them" by John Ortberg.

Friday, January 2, 2009

A New Year Begins

This picture is of me receiving my new ESV Study Bible for Christmas from Brooke. I strongly encourage all of you to invest in one of these!
Please forgive me for my failure to post any blogs in the last week and a half. For the past 10 days, I've been blessed to spend time with family and friends (with a few days leading a middle school retreat in between). It's been a joyful, refreshing time. I'm thankful for the Almighty for granting me this time. I hope you've had time of rest as well.

A New year has begun. Within that reality, my question to you today is: What GOALS do you have in this year? Or perhaps you have just a singular goal? I'm not a big fan of resolutions. I can sit back and recall several that I made (most of them didn't last longer than a month). It is almost better not to set them and stay in your normal ways as compared to setting them and only committing to them for a month. What is your goal?

I love what the apostle Paul wrote thousands of years ago. Paul wrote, "I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:14). In order to receive the full richness of this verse, I encourage you to read all of Philippians. Don't worry, it's not that long of a book! You can have it read in under 10 minutes. It's worth it.

Look at that verse with me. Paul writes that his GOAL is to press on toward the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. It wasn't to preach to larger crowds. It wasn't to retire. It wasn't to receive any financial blessings. It wasn't to spend more time with family. His goal was to press on toward God; in Christ Jesus. What an amazing goal! In the original language, Paul used the word brabeion (brab-i'-on: an award (of arbitration), specially a prize in the public games -- prize). What an amazing idea! It wasn't just a goal that can be done and checked off the list. Paul writes this ambition hoping to receive an award. Friend, our reward is to daily worship the King on this side of glory, and to continue that eternally on the other side. This is the goal that I want every day. I don't want to make it a simple statement just for today. I want this to be my mission.

What goals do you have? Do you have a goal? I encourage you as we begin a new year to try reading the Bible through the year. It's an amazing journey! One way to press on toward the goal of God in Christ Jesus is to read His Word. Begin with John. Begin with Genesis. Begin anywhere! He has given us 66 books to choose from. Choose wisely. Have a great new year.

