Sunday, January 25, 2009

Closing up a Great Weekend

It is almost 6:30pm on a beautiful Sunday evening and I'm here at my laptop typing a post after a great weekend with new friends. This past weekend, I had the blessing of going to Ruston, LA to speak to some students from the L.A. Tech Baptist Collegiate Ministry. We spent the weekend together at a retreat center about 30 miles from campus. I went for the purpose of preaching 3 sessions. It was fun...wierd, because I'm not used to speaking to so many college students...but still fun! I'm grateful for their acceptance of me and willingness to make me part of their faith family for the weekend. I'm encouraged that on a weekend where most college students are making poor choices, these students paid to leave their campus and glorify God. It thrilled my soul to see so many in love with the Almighty. I can say without any hesitation that we truly worshipped together our great Father in Heaven. I can say without any hesitation that we praised Him for the gift of His Son; Jesus Christ, who paid our redemption. We praised Him for delivering us from the domain of darkness and leading us into His Marvelous Light. I believe His Spirit was truly among us. It was wonderful...Thank you, L.A. Tech friends.

On Friday night, I was watching the praise band lead us in some songs. During the second song, a wierd emotion found its way into my heart. I looked at the student leaders on stage. I looked around the room at all the other students singing along. All of a sudden, I had a strong yearning to pray for my students. My prayers were that they would not drop out of church when they left high school. My prayers were that they would take opportunities like the students I was with, to get away from school and temptations, and to glorify the Almighty. My prayers were that they would live out their calling and proclaim the Gospel. My prayers were that they would daily live their lives in worship of the King. This yearning was from my soul. I desired for my current students to grow up to be adults that will lead younger students to the Savior. I want them not to be "church kids." I want my students to be born again, blood bought, sold out, hungry children of the Living God. I want my students to find their satisfaction in Him Alone.

Look at this verse with me. Paul writes, "make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose." (Phil 2:2). I love this verse! Paul was in prison during the time of this writing. He had every reason in the world to focus only on himself. However, in the midst of pain, in the midst of persecution, in the midst of loneliness; he writes these powerful words. Wow! What would lead him to write that? I believe it was the obvious testimony that he was justified by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, he was sanctified by the truth of God, and he knew that soon he would be glorified when death took his body (read Romans 8:30 for more info). Paul had an everlasting joy that was given to him through the indwelling of God Almighty. His Spirit led him to proclaim the riches of God's grace. Paul wasn't just a church guy.

So...what made Paul's joy complete? It was his yearning for a people to be of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, and intent on one purpose! Well, what does that mean? You find that answer as you read on! "Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus." (Phil 2:3-5) If you read after this, you will see a beautiful hymn about the majesty and love of Christ. Read it!

This verse was taught to me this weekend by a wonderful group of college students. They modeled these verses in their lives. How was that possible? I believe it was possible, because they weren't simply church people. They weren't church kids that were now older. They were a faith family that loved the King. I pray my students, when they graduate and leave one day...will join that chorus.

Closing up a great weekend...Soli Deo Gloria!


1 comment:

Brooke said...

Why do we have to wait for them to go to college??? I know that's not what you meant, but I want them to be passionate now! My desire is for them to be so passionate now, that I'm not even concerned when they go to college because I know they will be strong wherever they go!