Monday, June 22, 2009

Post Camp, All Hail our Mighty King

2009 Camp is in the books. What a week it was. I wanted to write posts day to day, but was not able to get away. I'm sitting here this morning, enjoying a nice cup of coffee in Yorktown, VA. I love it here. It tends to be the place for me to get away for refreshment. However, on this particular trip, I don't need to be refreshed as much as I need time to celebrate what the Almighty did last week at camp. He is glorious and truly worthy to be praised! (check out Psalm 19,

Camp was incredible. It was the best experience I've had with my students at Summit. For close to 6 days, I witnessed the Spirit's drawing of genuine fellowship among the young bride of Summit. Each night, I observed friendship circles broken and enlarged due to students reaching out to one another. Seniors talking with 6th graders. Popular students talking with the outcasts. Walls torn down. It brought pictures of Jesus, when He walked the earth and dined with sinners. The religious leaders couldn't stand it. However, repentance was given, salvation was granted, and lives were transformed. I believe at camp, souls were drawn to the kingdom. I'll give you one story:

A freshman boy pulled me aside on the last night and wanted to talk. We stepped outside and began what was to be a glorious conversation. This 9th grader admitted that he was a sinner in desperate need of our Savior's saving grace. I asked him a few questions about his life (to make sure he understood what sin truly was in the sight of the Holy One). After receiving satisfying answers, he asked if we could pray. I don't like to pray and have people repeat my words. I don't see that as a genuine conversion. I see that as nothing more than an "easy way out." This boy bowed his head, and prayed a beautiful prayer of confession, repentance, and petition for forgiveness...prayer to the King. He lifted his head, smiled at me, and walked away...forever changed. What a Savior.

I'd love to see my church experience times like I saw this past week. I often feel that we get so busy in doing things, planning things, organizing things, writing rules about things, etc... that we neglect to have times of corporate worship, fellowship, and true discipleship. I know I'm speaking as a youth minister that just organized and led the trip, but I feel a longing in my heart for my church, and other churches to have, "camp." I use this word very carefully. I don't mean to have an emotional experience. I mean to have a time, a revival of the soul in which the Holy Spirt draws the bride to beautiful radiance. I'm talking about us as children of the Living God (John 1:12), to step outside of our own comforts for the purpose of declaring and rejoicing in His Kingdom being spread on this earth. I'm still tired today, but it was well worth the work. I pray that my students will remain true to the confessions and promises they made this past week.

Camp reminded me of the blessing I have in my adult leaders. I love them. I had 10 of the best adult Bible study leaders that any youth minister could ask for. They were faithful to the Word, and to their opportunities to build relationships with students. Dan, Carson, Rebecca, Paige, Donny, Brad, Vicki, Lee, Laurie, Bruce, and Canyon... I love you guys. Thank you for the sacrifice and faithfulness you put it in for teaching the perfect Word of our King this past week.

Camp opened my eyes and attention to the gifts our students have. The praise band put in more than 20 hours of work and preparation time before camp even started. Everyday, the Spirit used them to bring us to the throne room in musical worship. I'm grateful for them and the way I see them desire Christ above any pleasures of this world.

Jon Gillis, what a friend. I'm grateful for the week I was blessed to have with him. I pray our Lord will continue to lead him, Rachel, and Bailey for His Glory. The messages were truly guided by the Spirit. Students responded. Christ was glorified.

You can have a "camp" experience everyday in the Word. I love it. This morning, I read 1 Thess 5, and was blown away. I can't wait for Brooke to get home from her walk so I can greet her with a holy kiss. Enjoy Him today, above the pleasures of this world. Part of what makes camp so much fun is that we get to leave the world behind and bond in a perfect gift of unity (Colossians 3:12-16). You can do that everyday by spending alone time with the King. Read Romans 12. Today. Enjoy the privilege of His presence.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Psalm 8

I wrote this for the college ministry website, but felt led to share it with whomever (is that proper grammar? I'm tired and have given up on the grammar game tonight...I aint skeered)

Psalm 8.

Verse 1, 9 – There is Glory in His Name
Look with me at verse 1 and verse 9. Have you ever wondered about the power and glory in His name alone? Does it ever bother you when people around you use His name in vain? The bible makes it clear in Exodus 20:7 that taking His name in vain is breaking one of the 10 commandments. In John 18:4-6, Jesus Christ is arrested by the mob. In John’s account, there is a particular story that really jumped out to me the first time I read it. Upon arrival that night, they asked the whereabouts of our Savior. When Jesus answered their request by stating His name, they fell to the ground. What power! What glory! There is indeed glory in His name! (For more information on the importance of His name, compare Exodus 3:14 to John 8:58).

Verse 2 – There is assurance in His glory in you, no matter your age or ability
In verse 2, you will see a beautiful verse that is actually quoted by our Savior in Matthew 21:16. I love this verse. God’s adopted children (John 1:12) can be viewed upon as weak and helpless in the world’s eyes (1 Corinthians 1:27), however His glory can shine out of the mouth of babes…revealing His majesty. I enjoy reading biographies. Recently, I read 2 biographies on one of my favorite preachers; C.H. Spurgeon. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Spurgeon preached over 600 times by the age of 19. Out of His mouth, the majesty of God’s Word was proclaimed!

Verses 3-4 – There is power in His creation
In these two verses, you will see the power of God in His creation. Some other verses that come to mind are: Psalm 89:11, 111:2, and 136:9. His power fund in His creation never ceases to amaze me. Does it amaze you? I’m reminded of the 9 brilliant symphonies that Beethoven composed. His careful work and attention, even in the midst of trials, has brought joy to many people even centuries after his death. What more of our God?!!! When we look at the stars in the night’s sky, we can understand more of what Job 38:4-11 was teaching us! Who are we in comparison to the power of God and His creation? Yet in His grace, He has given us an abundance of His steadfast love (Romans 5, Ephesians 1:7, 1 John 4); what a Savior.

Verses 5-8 – There is responsibility in our role
Finally, I conclude with this section of the passage. I’m reminded of our responsibility in creation. Hebrews 1:14 teaches us that even His angels serve our needs and minister to us. Psalm 139 reveals the love and affection He has lavished upon us in creation. Ephesians 2:10 shows us that in Christ, we have been set apart to be His, “workmanship.” I believe based on these few passages and many more, we must take our role seriously. Our responsibility should always be primarily on preaching the glorious Gospel of our Lord and Savior. The joy of our responsibility is the fact that every day, we tell this fallen world that our satisfaction is in Him alone, for He is our Creator, Lord, Father; the Godhead 3 in 1. May our lips ( Mark 16:15 James 3:9-12) and our walk (Galatians 5:25), bring Him glory.

Still Captivated by His Grace

The title of this post really sums up well what God has done this week. I am captivated by His grace. I am captivated by His glory. It seems that in my moments of weakness and when I lose certain glimpses of hope for what He will do, He does. I wonder...why would He shower such marvelous grace in times of unknown? I believe His glory is at stake, His Word is true, and His promises will be fulfilled. Please permit me to explain further...

On Monday, I drove home before teaching Colossians 2 at the park, defeated and unsure of what to expect for the rest of the week. My aunt was injured in a car accident, I lost a Sunday School teacher (not by death, just resignation), and I discovered we were about $3,000 in the hole for next week's camp. I drove home with much sadness and suffering as I was unsure of how the rest of the week was going to work. Last night, in His amazing provision and perfect sovereignty, He displayed His grace.

It all started about 3:30pm. I was staring at the weather forecast and thinking to myself about the possibility of canceling the inflatables we rented for an event last night. After prayer, I felt led to the conclusion to cancel them. This saved the church close to $500. After cancelling the inflatables, the rain went away and the sun came out! I was flabbergasted! However, I knew it was the right decision. The night turned out well as more than 100 students came for a worship service and a night of one of their favorite games; "underground church." Nobody complained about the lack of inflatables... To God be the glory.

Before we played our games, one of my college students approached me with a question about writing a check for donations. I asked her, "to what purpose or account?" Her response; "to help with the student camp." She left the room and came back a few minutes later to ask me to step outside. As I stepped outside, she handed me a check... for $2,500.00! I worshipped. Never in my mind would I think God would provide a gift like that!!! Especially from a college student and her family. (This same student is raising money to go on a mission trip next month!)

After much emotion, I went about the rest of the evening...captivated by His grace. When I thought the situation was hopeless at times, His glory shined. When I thought the church would be in heavy debt, He paid the debt. The blood of His Son paid the debt of our His grace! (Check out Colossians 1-2). I'm still captivated today. Add this up with me: $500 + $2,500 = $3,000.00!

My Aunt went home from the hospital yesterday and is doing much better. Praise Him for His healing!

I found a willing teacher to step up and help with this class until we find a permanent substitute... (I should say, He found, I just observed...) Praise Him for His provision.

I'm reminded of this verse today, "Be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted among the earth." (Psalm 46:10). I am still today. I am captivated by His grace. I praise Him for His provision. I invite you to read this and realize that in moments of unknown, our God is faithful to provide...for the glory of His Name. Read Psalm 46:10. Listen to this song, "God of this city" by Chris Tomlin...and fall on your knees in worship of His greatness.

Soli Deo Gloria!


Monday, June 8, 2009

The Word in the Park

I just got back from teaching Colossians 2 at the park. Tonight, about 30 students and adults gathered inside a pavilion to hear the Word. I love the summer nights. I love having time with my students outside the walls of my office and seeing the light of my Savior shine brilliantly in them. I love the fellowship and the hearts that are so eloquently "knit together" (Colossians 2:2); the evidence of the true church. Tonight, we had church in the park. It was beautiful and much needed after a tough day in the office. I know my God is faithful daily to provide to me His direction and His will, for His Spirit dwells within me (Romans 8:9). I know His love continues to shine through the darkness of this fallen world (1 Peter 2:9). I pray that if you've had a bad day or a rough day, His Word will satisfy your hunger and His church will rise up and knit your heart within hers. It's a beautiful testimony of His grace when the church rises up to worship and fellowship together; all because His glory dwells within. I loved having church in the park tonight.

Brooke quoted the first 2 chapters of Colossians tonight...all by memory. It was amazing and inspiring for my students and adult leaders to see. One college student approached her afterwards and asked, "why did you memorize all of that?" and, "what is the purpose of doing that?" Brooke was floored. So was I. I guess my answer is... WHY WOULDN'T YOU? If you have tasted and seen that He is good, His Word is eternal, and His grace is abounding; then it would be so natural to want to know Him more. I pray that particular student went home tonight with a hunger for His Word above any pleasure that this sinful world has to offer.

Read Psalm 119. Fall on your knees and worship Him for the gift and treasure of His very Word. Don't expect the church to do things for you. As I witnessed tonight in the park, the church shined her brilliant light as people walked by and heard the Word proclaimed. Don't wait for the church. May your heart be knit together with others, may you share in the same encouragement found within genuine fellowship, and may you join other adopted children of the Living God (John 1:12), to enjoy summer nights of being the bride.

I loved my night in the park. I love my youth group. I love my church. I love His Word...shared within knit hearts in the park. To quote John Piper, "don't waste your life," open the Word and begin the journey.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Psalm 5

Give ear to my words, O LORD,Consider my groaning. 2 Heed the sound of my cry for help, my King and my God,For to You I pray. 3 In the morning, O LORD, You will hear my voice;In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch. 4 For You are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness;No evil dwells with You. 5 The boastful shall not stand before Your eyes;You hate all who do iniquity. 6 You destroy those who speak falsehood;The LORD abhors the man of bloodshed and deceit. 7 But as for me, by Your abundant lovingkindness I will enter Your house,At Your holy temple I will bow in reverence for You. 8 O LORD, lead me in Your righteousness because of my foes;Make Your way straight before me. 9 There is nothing reliable in what they say;Their inward part is destruction itself.Their throat is an open grave;They flatter with their tongue. 10 Hold them guilty, O God;By their own devices let them fall!In the multitude of their transgressions thrust them out,For they are rebellious against You. 11 But let all who take refuge in You be glad,Let them ever sing for joy;And may You shelter them,That those who love Your name may exult in You. 12 For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O LORD,You surround him with favor as with a shield

Psalm 5 is a rich passage, written by the hand of David, aided by the Holy Spirit; all for the glory of the Father. Take a moment and read all 12 verses. After reading these verses, I invite you to step into His presence in prayer. After praying, take a look at these verses with me.

The Psalm begins with an intentional cry for the Father’s attention. It’s not the same trite words that are prayed daily. These words are deep, rich, and full of longing for the Father’s attention. Now, compare verses 1-3 to your prayer. How did you begin? Where did you start. Most people start with the traditional, “Father, thank you for this day…” There is really nothing wrong with that, but do you come to Him with that statement, with a longing for Him to “Give ear to my words” (verse 1)? Or, do you beg for Him to, “Give attention to the sound of my cry” (verse 2)? I believe often times, if you are like me, I fall into a routine of prayer that often times loses its focus on the joy of wanting the Father’s attention. I love verse 3 and how it paints to us a beautiful picture of morning devotionals. I love how the Psalmist writes about how the Lord hears his voice in the morning. Did you notice that the Psalmist (on top of waking up early, I imagine) brings a sacrifice to the Lord…for the Lord to watch? I believe the heart behind that statement is the Psalmist wanting the Lord to find pleasure in His obedience. I believe that since Christ eliminated the sacrificial system, by being the ultimate sacrifice (read Hebrews 10), then we inherit the pleasure of the Father by coming to Him through the authority of His Son. We receive His pleasure, in the morning, by acknowledging the Son’s sacrifice and giving glory to the Father for giving us His graceful attention.

Verses 4-6 reveal to us the seriousness of sin in the sight of the Holy One. I find comfort in these verses, for I am constantly at odds with the sins of this world and how it pulls down people. This morning, I had coffee with a dear friend of mine. During our talk, I was reminded of the toughness of ministry and how demanding it is on the day to day scheme of life. However, I’m reminded that the errors and sins of others should not alter my life or make me sorrowful, for ultimately, those sins are done against the Father…not just against me. These verses should remind us as His adopted children, to confess daily; knowing how sin is viewed in the sight of the Holy Lord God Almighty.

Verses 7-8 are so inspiring. Here, we see the Psalmist write about how the steadfast love of God draws Him to enter into His presence, His house. I’m reminded of 1 John 4 in this passage; how “in this is love, not that we loved him, but that He loved us…”(1 John 4:10). I believe we often times forget the fact that our privilege of prayer, our privilege of worship is drawn by the steadfast love of our Father in Heaven.

Verses 9-10 again tie in with verses 4-6, in that we are so in love with the Lord and find our delight in Him, that what is sin to Him and evil in His sight, becomes evil in our sight. In other words, when I see someone take His name in vain, live by the flesh and His holiness is ridiculed; I can understand verse 10. Look here and compare it to Psalm 51:4. It states clearly that the sins were against…HIM. So, when someone spreads a rumor about me that isn’t necessary true, not only are they sinning against me…they are sinning against my Father in Heaven. I truly believe what makes His grace amazing is that in our wretchedness (because all of us sin), He pours His steadfast love over us (going back to verse 7). Isn’t He wonderful?

Verses 11-12 close out this Psalm so beautifully. I love verse 11. Compare this verse to Psalm 34:8. We find happiness, joy, etc…when we take refuge in Him. We can rejoice, truly, knowing that we want Him and nothing else. This leads us to receive His blessing. I believe those that Jesus was preaching to in Matthew 5:3-12 were given those beatitudes, because they were wanting to find their joy and rejoice in Christ alone. Blessings are poured out when God’s redeemed people rejoice in Him daily and long for His name to be known. We are covered with His righteousness alone, we are blessed by His steadfast love, we are privileged that He would give us His attention. Again, please allow me to ask: Isn’t He wonderful?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Bouncy Ball Returns

Brace yourself, this is story time. (I'm leaving out many parts, because it could be like how I preach....long winded)

Back in the Summer of 2002, I was going through a difficult season of ministry. I was only 20 at the time, and my position at my first church was going through difficult waters. I had students that were walking away from their faith, parents that were apathetic, and a pastor that was clueless on ministry in general (shortly after this summer, he was asked to leave). After a few nights of tough moments and hopeless efforts in planning and leading, my flesh came out hard. I watched my college friends go out on the mission field, work summer camps, and do "college type stuff." I was in a church of under 100 people, slaving away to lead students that just didnt' care...because their parents didn't care...because the pastor really didn't care. I remember one night, I laid down in my bed, with eyes saturated with tears, wanting to quit. In fact, I came pretty close to quitting that next day. That next day, I woke up to a life changing, Spirit filled conversation with a friend that has forever changed my view of ministry. Stephen Quinn, I love you my brother, and praise God for the husband and father you are.

Stephen walked into my apartment to say goodbye to me before making the summer trip home. His plans were to work a summer job and take summer classes...while preparing to buy an engagement ring for his precious bride; Tarah. The door knocks, I open, and the Sovereign Lord spoke through my friend.

Let me tell you a little about Stephen's job. At that time, he was a campus police officer. His job didn't really see alot of "action" (car chases, gun fights, etc.) Most of his job was centered around locking the different buildings on campus and telling the middle school aliens (middle schoolers that walked our campus that really didn't seem like they were from Earth) to go home. One night, there was an arrest made because of drugs..or something of that nature (we like to build this part of the story up, because if it was unpaid, illegal bike parking, that would be lame). Upon the arrest, his possessions were labeled. One of his possessions that night was a bouncy ball. It has the number "14" on it; kind of like a pool ball. After the school year ended, the ball remained at the station. When Stephen came over that day, he tossed me the ball and encouraged me to have a fun summer with my students. Of course, I aired my dirty laundry to him which resulted in him praying for me and walking to his car.

Later that night, I had to go to walmart (probaly for no reason, because there is nothing to do in Murray, KY when the school year ends...many window shop in walmart). When I was about to walk out my door, I noticed the bouncy ball sitting near the window. It seemed to be a silly idea, but I grabbed the ball and took it with me to walmart in order to bounce it around as I walked around...alone (because no girlfriend either...but now I have Brooke, so BOO YAH). That night, I found myself smiling for the first time in a while. The ball would roll out my of hand, down aisles, only to make senior adults mad as well as the children giggle. I bounced it back and forth that night and my stress, my worries, my fears were hidden. I found myself laughing at times. I went home, and went to bed with a smile that left my face for months prior to the evening.

The next morning, I woke up and brought the ball with me to the church office. It was funny, because the same thing happened; I smiled. I bounced it here and there, made up some games with some middle school boys that came by to see me, and went to bed with a smile. This process seemed to repeat itself for many days to follow.

The best part of this journey happened in my quiet time just shortly after the ball was given to me. I came across Matthew 6:19-24. In this passage, Jesus is talking about how money and treasures on the earth only bring destruction, not eternal security or joy. In verse 21, Jesus said something that really brought the purpose behind the ball in my hands, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." In this passage, I was brought to my knees in worship. For so long, I was trying to carry ministry on my back as a football coach was trying to force his hopeless team to win games. I was attempting to do the impossible; change people's lives and make bad things better. I realized that in my best efforts, I couldn't come close to doing ministry. Even though I do know that the passage is mainly talking about money, especially when you get to verse 24 (This note is for my dear brothers: Ben, Canyon, and Bruce, who know the Word well!), I believe the Spirit spoke to me in brilliant ways that day.

Years later, I connected the ball to Matthew 6:25-34. I love how we have passages that help us eliminate the sin of anxiety and to seek first HIS Kingom and HIS righteousness!

For the next 2-3 years, I gave away close to 6,000- 7,000 bouncy balls to students as I preached the Gospel and ministered to them at summer camps as well as my own church ministry.

However, something stranged has happened lately. For the past 3 1/2 years, I've tried to grow up too quickly without walking daily with the simple joy in Christ as I did as a 20 year old. Don't get me wrong, I walk daily in Him, by HIs Word, through His Spirit...but there have been many seasons lately in which I try in my own efforts to do ministry without completely relying on the Spirit to joyfully guide me to do the will of the Father. Yesterday, if you read my blog, you may have seen some comments I wrote about a bad day I had. Well, this morning, after spending great time with the Father, I brought a bouncy ball with me to the office. It is the original "14" ball. I took it with me to Starbucks as I encouraged a hurting student. Its sitting next to me right now, reminding me of the importance of walking daily with the joy and trust in the Lord God Almighty who will do whatever He wills, for His Glory and by His grace...using adopted children such as us to serve as instrumentalists in His vast orchestra.

Soli Deo Gloria!!!.....

Buy a bouncy ball and take it with you today. Read Matthew 6:19-34. Enjoy and treasure Him today.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

First Night in Colossians

Last night, we started our journey through Colossians. It was a rich night of fellowship and worship as we allowed the Word of Truth to saturate our souls. I love studying the Scriptures and seeing with my own eyes the majesty of His Word. Brooke began the night by quoting Colossians 1 by memory. I was so blessed. 29 verses, straight from her soul that she spent the week meditating on. I want to encourage you...memorize the Word in passages! It brings the message to even deeper meanings. Colossians focuses on:

1. Paul's pastoral concern for the church.

2. The Supremacy of Christ

3. The importance of sound doctrine/attack against heresies

4. The joy of walking in a matter worthy of the Lord.

It cracks me up that when I'm in a deep pursuit of studying and meditating on God's Word, I'm attacked in many areas. For example, in the past 24 hours, I've observed these hits:

1. Our numbers are currently low. Last night, we had twice the amount of adults as we did students. (I'm not much of a numbers guy...but since today I'm a youth minister...why aren't they coming to hear the Word?)

2. I help lead a service at my church that is focused primarily on teaching good theology in music while introducing a "simple" or "contemporary" style. We've been doing this since January, and the only notes we've been given were negative...and negative in a sense that has nothing to do with worship, just selfish musical taste.

3. This morning, I caught word that our air conditioners are not working in the student center. It's getting hot, the money is low, and we have a need that impacts our weekly ministry.

So, in all of this, I have to make a decision. Am I going to allow it to ruin my day... or will I rejoice in the current suffering because of the majesty of the Savior that rescued me? I'm so blessed to have a wife that loves the Lord, and loves me. Brooke truly is a blessing and my greatest source of encouragement. I believe Jesus paid it all. I believe the tomb is empty. I believe that my first night in Colossians revealed to me the joy of Christ, the power of the Word, the privilege of walking in His power and might, and the promise that God will ultimately be glorified, no matter what takes place this side of heaven. Oh Spirit, lead the bride, and help us to fulfill your great commission.

Soli Deo Gloria,


Monday, June 1, 2009

Monday Monday Monday

I thought by placing Monday 3 times to begin this post would fit nicely with the commonly used, "Sunday, Sunday, Sunday" idea... I think for monster truck relays? Anyways, it's Monday, and I'm glad to have a few minutes to write.

Beginning today, several church members are involved in a court case between a sweet lady in our church family, and her soon to be ex husband. More than a year ago, he committed adultery and left her, as well as his church family. Since then, this poor lady has dealt with the consequences and pain involved in his unrepentant sin. I'm glad to be a part of a church that is committed to taking care of one another as well as calling sin as it is. I pray for this man, that he truly comes to know Christ and experiences the privilege of repentance and forgiveness. Today, I've thought much about her and her kids. I can't imagine what they are going through...because of his sin. I hate sin. I hate the way it destroys families. I hate the way that the adversary can prowl this earth and because of evil pleasures, conformity leads to adultery. This man has admitted very cowardly his sin and moved on...but he has not shown true repentance. The book of Acts reminds me of the need for repentance, and not simply, "I feel bad, God forgive me, I'm moving on and living IN the very sin I committed"!! Thats this guy! Please pray for him.

This morning, while shaving, I listened to a few minutes of a sermon by David Platt. The text that he used was out of Romans 12:3-13. Here are some points that I gained from the text:

1. We must no be prideful and selfish, but realizing that our salvation is given by His grace. Even though our giftedness may be different, it doesn't mean any are better. (v.3-8) With this point, I realized that since we are the body of Christ, if one member is hurting, the body is hurting. I hurt for this precious lady today.

2. We must let love be genuine. I see a lack of love in so many ways, in the body. Gossip, slander, deceit, pride, etc., cripples the bride at its core, and robs her of love. I think when Jesus talks about loving our neighbor as ourself (Matthew 22:39), He really meant it! Paul tell us in verse 9 to, "Let Love be genuine, abhor what is evil, hold fast to what is good." I believe this passage is what has led many to the courtroom today to support her. They, like me, hate sin, and want to hold fast to what is good! The Lord is good! Taste and see. Read Psalm 34:8.

3. We must learn to rejoice in the Glory of the Lord. In verses 11-12, I see the focus being on the Lord. I see that even in suffering, we must focus on His greatness. Today, because of a lost man's unrepentant sin, a lady is suffering greatly. Oh, may she rejoice today still in the joy of the Lord and the love from His bride.

4. We must take care of one another. Specifically in the text, it is refering to early Christians; rather that be leaders of new believers. Again, today, many are trying to take care of this precious lady. I pray that the love they give brings glory and honor to the King. It makes me wonder if I'm actively living out this verse? Am I contributing to the needs of others? It brings Brooke and me great joy that we are soon opening our home to one of our students for his senior year. His room is ready to be moved in. I pray that hospitality brings glory and honor to the King. To His name, be the glory!

Some thoughts today. They may not be that organized. I just wanted to express what the Spirit revealed to me while I was shaving.

Soli Deo Gloria,
