2009 Camp is in the books. What a week it was. I wanted to write posts day to day, but was not able to get away. I'm sitting here this morning, enjoying a nice cup of coffee in Yorktown, VA. I love it here. It tends to be the place for me to get away for refreshment. However, on this particular trip, I don't need to be refreshed as much as I need time to celebrate what the Almighty did last week at camp. He is glorious and truly worthy to be praised! (check out Psalm 19, today...wow.)
Camp was incredible. It was the best experience I've had with my students at Summit. For close to 6 days, I witnessed the Spirit's drawing of genuine fellowship among the young bride of Summit. Each night, I observed friendship circles broken and enlarged due to students reaching out to one another. Seniors talking with 6th graders. Popular students talking with the outcasts. Walls torn down. It brought pictures of Jesus, when He walked the earth and dined with sinners. The religious leaders couldn't stand it. However, repentance was given, salvation was granted, and lives were transformed. I believe at camp, souls were drawn to the kingdom. I'll give you one story:
A freshman boy pulled me aside on the last night and wanted to talk. We stepped outside and began what was to be a glorious conversation. This 9th grader admitted that he was a sinner in desperate need of our Savior's saving grace. I asked him a few questions about his life (to make sure he understood what sin truly was in the sight of the Holy One). After receiving satisfying answers, he asked if we could pray. I don't like to pray and have people repeat my words. I don't see that as a genuine conversion. I see that as nothing more than an "easy way out." This boy bowed his head, and prayed a beautiful prayer of confession, repentance, and petition for forgiveness...prayer to the King. He lifted his head, smiled at me, and walked away...forever changed. What a Savior.
I'd love to see my church experience times like I saw this past week. I often feel that we get so busy in doing things, planning things, organizing things, writing rules about things, etc... that we neglect to have times of corporate worship, fellowship, and true discipleship. I know I'm speaking as a youth minister that just organized and led the trip, but I feel a longing in my heart for my church, and other churches to have, "camp." I use this word very carefully. I don't mean to have an emotional experience. I mean to have a time, a revival of the soul in which the Holy Spirt draws the bride to beautiful radiance. I'm talking about us as children of the Living God (John 1:12), to step outside of our own comforts for the purpose of declaring and rejoicing in His Kingdom being spread on this earth. I'm still tired today, but it was well worth the work. I pray that my students will remain true to the confessions and promises they made this past week.
Camp reminded me of the blessing I have in my adult leaders. I love them. I had 10 of the best adult Bible study leaders that any youth minister could ask for. They were faithful to the Word, and to their opportunities to build relationships with students. Dan, Carson, Rebecca, Paige, Donny, Brad, Vicki, Lee, Laurie, Bruce, and Canyon... I love you guys. Thank you for the sacrifice and faithfulness you put it in for teaching the perfect Word of our King this past week.
Camp opened my eyes and attention to the gifts our students have. The praise band put in more than 20 hours of work and preparation time before camp even started. Everyday, the Spirit used them to bring us to the throne room in musical worship. I'm grateful for them and the way I see them desire Christ above any pleasures of this world.
Jon Gillis, what a friend. I'm grateful for the week I was blessed to have with him. I pray our Lord will continue to lead him, Rachel, and Bailey for His Glory. The messages were truly guided by the Spirit. Students responded. Christ was glorified.
You can have a "camp" experience everyday in the Word. I love it. This morning, I read 1 Thess 5, and was blown away. I can't wait for Brooke to get home from her walk so I can greet her with a holy kiss. Enjoy Him today, above the pleasures of this world. Part of what makes camp so much fun is that we get to leave the world behind and bond in a perfect gift of unity (Colossians 3:12-16). You can do that everyday by spending alone time with the King. Read Romans 12. Today. Enjoy the privilege of His presence.
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