Thursday, June 11, 2009

Still Captivated by His Grace

The title of this post really sums up well what God has done this week. I am captivated by His grace. I am captivated by His glory. It seems that in my moments of weakness and when I lose certain glimpses of hope for what He will do, He does. I wonder...why would He shower such marvelous grace in times of unknown? I believe His glory is at stake, His Word is true, and His promises will be fulfilled. Please permit me to explain further...

On Monday, I drove home before teaching Colossians 2 at the park, defeated and unsure of what to expect for the rest of the week. My aunt was injured in a car accident, I lost a Sunday School teacher (not by death, just resignation), and I discovered we were about $3,000 in the hole for next week's camp. I drove home with much sadness and suffering as I was unsure of how the rest of the week was going to work. Last night, in His amazing provision and perfect sovereignty, He displayed His grace.

It all started about 3:30pm. I was staring at the weather forecast and thinking to myself about the possibility of canceling the inflatables we rented for an event last night. After prayer, I felt led to the conclusion to cancel them. This saved the church close to $500. After cancelling the inflatables, the rain went away and the sun came out! I was flabbergasted! However, I knew it was the right decision. The night turned out well as more than 100 students came for a worship service and a night of one of their favorite games; "underground church." Nobody complained about the lack of inflatables... To God be the glory.

Before we played our games, one of my college students approached me with a question about writing a check for donations. I asked her, "to what purpose or account?" Her response; "to help with the student camp." She left the room and came back a few minutes later to ask me to step outside. As I stepped outside, she handed me a check... for $2,500.00! I worshipped. Never in my mind would I think God would provide a gift like that!!! Especially from a college student and her family. (This same student is raising money to go on a mission trip next month!)

After much emotion, I went about the rest of the evening...captivated by His grace. When I thought the situation was hopeless at times, His glory shined. When I thought the church would be in heavy debt, He paid the debt. The blood of His Son paid the debt of our His grace! (Check out Colossians 1-2). I'm still captivated today. Add this up with me: $500 + $2,500 = $3,000.00!

My Aunt went home from the hospital yesterday and is doing much better. Praise Him for His healing!

I found a willing teacher to step up and help with this class until we find a permanent substitute... (I should say, He found, I just observed...) Praise Him for His provision.

I'm reminded of this verse today, "Be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted among the earth." (Psalm 46:10). I am still today. I am captivated by His grace. I praise Him for His provision. I invite you to read this and realize that in moments of unknown, our God is faithful to provide...for the glory of His Name. Read Psalm 46:10. Listen to this song, "God of this city" by Chris Tomlin...and fall on your knees in worship of His greatness.

Soli Deo Gloria!


1 comment:

Bruce Simon said...

I was trying to think of some really nice words to say here but all that comes to mind is Wow!