Friday, July 31, 2009

Celebration of God's handiwork

In case the news hasn't spread to you yet, Brooke and I are expecting a baby! As of tomorrow, she will be 12 weeks pregnant already. We had the sweet joy of sharing our news with our church family this past Wednesday night as well as various family and friends in the weeks prior. We are both excited and speechless at the same time. It's hard to imagine what my life will be like when jellybean is born (we've named the baby "jellybean" because we don't know the gender yet). I invite you to pray with me before this baby arrives to this world. The first thoughts that may come to your mind are: health, safety, beauty, etc. However, I want you to know that my greatest concern is the salvation of my baby.

Ever since I found out about jellybean, I have not ceased to pray (1 Thessalonians 5:17), for his/her salvation. I place my full focus on God's redeeming work in His saving grace. When I observe people that place their stakes on their own work or view of salvation, I see cracks in the foundation. In case you don't know this...please allow me to share with you that you need God. I need God. Brooke needs God. My prayer is for my baby to grow up with the understanding that he/she needs God. If anyone believes they don't need God...or even they don't want God, chances are, they don't know God. After reading Ephesians 1 recently, I've placed my full attention on God's predestined adoption of my baby.

For more info on the above paragraph, read the conversation Jesus had with Nicodemus in John 3...good stuff!

I have pondered many thoughts this week. Will my baby be a preacher of the Gospel? Will my baby be a global missionary? Will my baby long to be a spiritual leader? Will my baby desire God above all the evil pleasures of this fallen world? Will my baby grow as beautiful as her mom? Will my baby love to sit down with me in the evenings and worship our great King in His marvelous Scriptures? I have so many questions...But again, my greatest desire is for my gracious Father in Heaven to save my child by His amazing grace.

Please pray. Please join me in rejoicing. Please realize that apart from the grace of the cross, you and I would be under His judgment. Praise be to the Father, who crushed His Son instead of us...and giving us the gift of adoption! Through Jesus Christ, we have the sweet beauty of being born again in His wonderful, eternal family.

I'M A DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soli Deo Gloria!


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