Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Singing the Gospel

I just finished an excellent book entitled, Living the Cross Centered Life, by C.J. Mahoney. In the book, Mahoney beautifully writes about the importance of living for the sake of the Gospel. The Cross centered life takes away our natural tendency to look at ourselves in our view, but rather rejoice in the view of Grace from our Father. Instead of looking at us as guilty and condemned in His sight, through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus, we are viewed as innocent children. It's a beautiful book that I highly recommend you to get. It won't take but a few hours to read all of it. Enjoy it, and make sure you have tissues near.

One point in that book that really hit home to me was found in the last chapter. Mahoney challenges the reader to "sing the Gospel." Since then, I've gone back to my itunes account and set up a playlist entitled, "songs about the Gospel." I have the music play nonstop while I'm working. Such beautiful songs have led me to:

Rejoice in the wonders of God, amazed by Jesus the Nazarene
The joy of knowing I will one day rise when He calls my name!
Knowing that nothing can save my, nothing but the blood of my Savior
Each day, I need to cling to the cross more
Celebrating the fact that Jesus came to my rescue
I can sit in silence in the joy of my Wonderful King
The Beautiful blood leads me to experience the wonderful flow of God's mercy
and so on....

This verse in particular helps me understand the joy of singing the Gospel. Paul writes, "Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God." Colossians 3:16

That's my hope for you today. Sing the Gospel. Sing the good news that the Savior of the world has come to rescue you from the wrath of the Holy God that you and I have offended. Praise His Name that He has taken the wrath upon Himself and giving you the joy of His perfect righteousness (right standing) to God! The tomb is empty! Death no longer has mastery over us! Death is only our gain as we get to be with God! (Phil 1:21).

Sing the Gospel. I promise you that songs of the Gospel will be more powerful than any other song you will ever hear. May we not sing to ourselves or to each other...may we sing and boast in the only One that is mighty to save.

Soli Deo Gloria!

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