Thursday, February 25, 2010

I love my church

Tomorrow, I will be returning to my office. For the past 2 weeks, my church has graciously allowed me to spend intentional time with my family as we welcomed Eden into our lives on February 10th. Words can't do justice to the joy we have in our church family. This short post is my attempt to communicate to whomever...the love I have for Summit Baptist Church.

I've read Acts 2 several times. However, I've never experience the practical side of Acts 2:42-47 until Eden was born. For the past 10 evenings, we've had meals brought to our home by different families from our church. Each meal was incredible. However, what made the meal more delicious than its actual taste was the touch of love from each family that delivered it. The early church in Acts 2 put their possessions on the table for the purpose of lifting each other up for radiating a Biblical community...for the glory of the Father. That is exactly what we've experienced in our home. I've never been a part of a church that was so giving and so practical with the SHOWING of the Gospel than Summit Baptist. I've heard many preachers and people speak on the Gospel...but to actually show the Gospel makes the words into a much needed reality.

I've been on staff, in ministry, for 9 years now. In those 9 years, I've experienced victories as well as sorrows. I've had my heart broken as well as mended. I've seen the joy of unity as well as the brokenness of division. However, in my 9 years of serving, I've never felt such love until Summit ministered to my family in the past 2 weeks. Again, I love my church.

Tomorrow, I will be returning to my office. I will be returning with a greater joy and appreciation for the bride I serve. I will return with an excitement to reach the lost with the Gospel and to join hands with a body of believers to impact the community with more than just words...with the heart application of the text itself. I pray pastors and ministers will never take their churches for granted. We should praise our gracious Lord daily that He gives us the privilege of serving her.

Summit, I love you. I can't wait for my Eden to come soon on Sunday morning to experience the genuine worship that many of you bring to the Father. See you Sunday.

Soli Deo Gloria!

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