Thursday, February 19, 2009

Student Ministry: a place for theology?

I wonder what goes through the minds of people when they hear the words; "student ministry?" I bet many thoughts enter, such as: lock-ins, pizza parties, summer camp, ski trips, concerts, games, etc. I wonder if anyone things of student ministry as a place where students can learn theology? I believe what has happened in the circle of many youth groups across this country is the promotion of "Cotton Candy Youth ministry." Let me explain.

I attended a conference not too long ago in Jacksonville, FL. During this conference, I had the blessing of meeting many youth ministers from across the nation. During one of our sessions, the speaker introduced to us the term, "cotton candy youth ministry." At first, I was thinking, SIGN ME UP! I love cotton candy! Ok, I respond before I think, at times. I'm working on it! Anyways, the idea was actually to warn us of what has happened in many churches. (I would even go as far as to say that churches do this.) The idea is simple; to get as many students into the doors and into the "program," by any means as possible. Lets hire a band, bring in the fog machine, sell tons of goodies at the door, feature massive halls of games, and even raffle off door prizes for their attendance. This phenomenon has indeed worked in many churches. I can think of some that probaly have outgrown their facilities....and loving it. Well, those things are fine in of themselves as long as they are preaching the Gospel. However, from what I've seen and observed, many youth ministers have made the mistake of entertaining that they failed to teach and preach the theology of God.

Theology sounds like a bad word to some. I love it. "Theos" (meaning God) and "ology" (study of or science of). So, in other words, it simply means, "the study of God." Whats wrong with that? For example, what if we took all the fun, the games, the lights, the music, etc...and in doing so, teach theology? Start with sin. (Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7), go to salvation (Romans 1-8), then go to baptism/Lord's Supper, etc. (Mark 1:9-11, Matthew 26:26-29, etc.) and then go to providence (Psalm 139). And so on... Why not teach a generation of students...GOD, from His Word...while having fun?

I love to have fun. Sometimes, I have way too much fun. However, I'd rather not take God out fo the picture and just have fun. I'd rather not babysit teenagers and please their church parents...and NOT teach them theology. I am under the beautiful conviction that students need to know God. I believe the only way is not to start new programs, or bring in better bands, or buy more games...I believe the only way for them to know God is through the study of His Word (Colossians 3:16..WOW).

Going back to "cotton candy youth ministry." The term describes the food. Think about cotton candy. It is BIG, however with little to no substance. Once it is in your mouth, it is gone. What would I prefer in youth ministry? A big program with little to no substance? Or would I prefer a ministry that is passionate about God's Word, passionate about proclaiming His Word, and passionate about DOING His Word? I'll say NO to cotton candy. I'd rather have the prime rib of God's truth.


Brooke said...

I could not agree with you more! God's word covers every aspect of our lives and has relevant and pertinent application all over the place. I wonder why so many people still feel the need to add to it, as if it's not enough. I believe John says something about that kind of person in Revelation...The only thing we're doing by jumping passage to passage instead of reading the whole context or reducing the Word to a couple of songs and a game is disgracing God's Word and proclaiming that it is not sufficient. What a horrible lie.

Dave Snyder said...

Wow! great truth. Man, you look good as well.