Monday, November 2, 2009

Absent from the Bride

Do you wake up on Sunday mornings with an excitement to drive to a church campus and worship with other believers? Do you wake up with your heart racing, because you can't contain the anticipation to sing to Jesus? I'm afraid that many believers live without any excitement or anticipation to worship with the church body. As a youth minister, I hear several reasons for missing corporate worship. If I can be completely open with you, I'm tired of hearing them. Last week, I heard of some that stayed home just to get caught up with school work or rest. Some take a day off on Saturday to hang out with friends, only to rob God of His church worship gathering on Sunday. It's selfish living that needs to cease. Before you label me as a legalistic minister, please hear my heart on this.

Let me paint a picture for you today. Let's say that Brooke (my wife) and I set up a date for this upcoming Saturday. She is excited about meeting with me, and having my undivided attention. During the week, I spend time with friends, family, and even watch a few minutes of games on TV. The days fade quickly, and Saturday is almost near. On Friday night, I look at Brooke and unapologetically say, "We can’t' hang out tomorrow night, I'm sorry. I have to get caught up on sleeping and other tasks that I neglected, we'll try again maybe next week." First of all, she has every right to smack the selfishness out of me. Secondly, I hope you would! Smart husbands would not treat their brides in such a way. Why would we think this is different in the church? How could I clearly communicate love to my bride if I treat her in such a

Stop being selfish. Set your alarm to wake you up. Say no to friends if it means they will rob your time away from the Lord that created and saved your soul. Worship Him in the church body with greater excitement than any date you can go on or any movie that you will see. He is worthy to be praised (Psalm 19), and His eternal love endures forever (Psalm 136). I wonder, if we neglect worshipping Him with His we really love Him? If your god is college football, repent. If your god is your boyfriend or girlfriend, repent. If your god is your money, repent. If your god is your school accomplishments, repent. If your god is your friends, repent. Turn away from your excuses. Turn away from your pride. Turn away from the sins that nailed your Savior to the cross.

It doesn’t have to be on Sunday. I’m not so dogmatic to think that Sunday is the only day to worship. Friend, we can worship any day of the week. My point is simply to challenge you to see the joy and beauty of the church gathered to worship the bridegroom. If you are traveling and are away from your church body, join another body and continue the song that is eternal! I love worshiping with other churches when we are away on Sundays. My desire is to continue the devotion, continue the focus, and continue the everlasting joy of desiring God above the sins of this fallen world.

I'll say it again, I'm tired of hearing excuses. If we are the redeemed, we should wait everyday with great anticipation to sing of His eternal praise and glory. If we are the redeemed, we should protect our worship service gatherings from anything else. I'll stomp on one more foot if I need to today. I'm about to be a dad. Can I share something with you? I will not allow any organized sport or club take corporate worship time away from my daughter. I long for the day that I will gladly hold her hand as we approach the throne room, on our knees, in joyful celebration of our Savior. One day, all the things that distract us from worship will cease. When that day arrives, what will you be worshiping?

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