Monday, November 16, 2009

Over Chara....ed

I took great liberty in the past weekend's theme with this blog title. Our theme was, "chara" which in the Greek New Testament translates, "joy." I was overjoyed this I guess that makes it over chara...ed. Make sense?

2009 Disciple Now weekend was absolutely wonderful. I'm so blessed and "overjoyed" by the leadership, support, and encouragement that countless adults gave. I'm refreshed by the hard work my student ministry staff put into all the preparation. You really need to check out Channing's blog (Solus Christus on blogger) for his take on it. I loved the fellowship. I loved the discipleship. My B.F.F. from Louisiana preached the Word, my friends in staff leadership positions taught the Word, and my students gave me sweet joy in their absorption of the Word. I saw unspeakable joy in their souls. I saw the name of Christ lifted up on stage by all that came. James Tealy, our musical worship leader brought joy to music, which joyfully led us to the throne room. Steve Fee truly inspired many to see the love of Christ made alive in song. I can go on....

Where is your joy? Where is your chara? This weekend, my joy was complete (Philippians 2), in seeing students and adults in great attention to the only One that is worthy of attention. Christ was glorified this weekend. Christ was made known. Thru suffering, sacrifice, serving, and study; students were taught the elements of joy in following Christ. Joy is made complete at the foot of the cross. Joy is made available thru the crown of the King. Joy is our diving board to a bottomless pool of endless worship of the Almighty.

I pray this weekend wasn't just a youth event. I pray this weekend wasn't just an opportunity for students to hang out with each other. I pray this past weekend wasn't just a time of emotional revival. I pray this weekend was a weekend of joy-filled, Word-applied, love-embraced, heart-intended time of contemplating the cross, rejoicing in the empty tomb, and seeing Christ for who He is...the joyful Savior of the World.

I'm over Chara...ed today. What a great weekend.

Soli Deo Gloria!


1 comment:

Canyon Shearer, DMin said...

As the Apostle John would say, "For I rejoiced greatly when the brothers came and testified to your truth, as indeed you are walking in the truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." (3 John 4) Keep up the good work Dave.