This morning, I'm sitting in my office completely amazed by the power of the Holy Spirit. I'm reminded that churches don't need to exist for entertaining people in order to be powerful. Churches need the overflow of God's gracious Spirit to draw lost sinners to Christ, the Savior. Churches need the Spirit to lead in decision making, direction for future missions, and the spreading of the Gospel around the local "Jerusalem." Lately, I have been incorporating the Spirit more in my praises to God Almighty. I'm reminded daily that apart from the Spirit, I would not really have a knowledge of sin and the need for salvation. His Spirit draws me daily to the reality that I must decrease (John 3:30), and He must be my ultimate treasure (Matthew 6:20-21). I must lay down my pride and selfish ambitions (Philippians 2:3), and learn to delight in the Lord (Nahum 1:7). Scripture daily reminds me of the power of the Spirit, for the words I read were given, by the direction of the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21). What a joy. What power. What glory.
Last night, His Spirit reminded me of His soverign power. After the youth worship service, I went out to eat, and then went home. Brooke and I commented on how lovely the day was. After a few minutes at home, we went to sleep; only to close out another day by God's grace. This morning, I woke up to 3 amazing, Spirit-led moments that all occured last night. After the service, the Spirit did the following:
1. Led one student to stop his car on the way home as he passed a friend from school that was walking alongside the road. He quickly jumped out and began to talk with him. A few moments in the conversation, he found out that his friend recently dropped out of high school and was living a very sinful life. This student proclaimed the glorious Gospel to him, gave him some money, and a ride home. What glory.
2. Led one student to stop by his subdivision pool on the way home as he saw a boyfriend and girlfriend together, a couple that he knew from school. He jumped out of his car and preached the Gospel to them. They want to know more about the grace of our Father! What glory.
3. Led one student to text me wanting to know more about God's Word. The text message requested me to give him scripture daily to read. What glory.
Don't ever under estimate the power of the Holy Spirit. Read Acts 2. See how the Spirit led the first century church to proclaim the truth and light of Jesus Christ; unhindered (last verse of Acts). See the majesty of the Lord's presence daily. Submit and treasure Christ, through the direction of the Spirit; for the glory of God, the Father. Amen, what glory.
Soli Deo Gloria
Шахтинские индивидуалки. Парке Гагарина в 15.00.
2 years ago
1 comment:
Wow this literally almost brought me to tears of joy! I am so challeneged by these young men and women of the faith. They are truly living their lives for Christ, not caring the cost. I am amazed by their passion and fearlessness. What joy!
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