I believe the relationship between a parent and a child is such a wonderful display of the Gospel. I believe it magnifies the love of the Father as we identify the grace of His Son. I am blessed to have my earthly father. My dad's name is Jim. He has invested years of his life into mine. I've learned alot from my father. I've learned that I have a respect and love for him that I don't offer to any other men in this world. I want to give to children one day the amount of love and attention that my father has given to me. However, within my father's love is his discipline. I remember so many times in my life that I received discipline for the actions I took. One story comes to mind as I type this. When I was a young boy, I was outside with a friend of mine playing ball. We were having a great time. All of a sudden, I had to go to the bathroom (number 1). Well, I thought it would be "manly" to go #1 outside. This thought captured my feet and I found myself walking over to the side of the house. I went #1. Little did I know that I accidently did this action on and around the air conditioning unit outside. I was so proud of myself. I went inside and told my father what I did, and of course; received discipline. It was STUPID. He disciplined me, but loved me the same.
I'm amazed by Paul's relationship with Timothy. He referred to him several times as his son. Look at this text with me: To Timothy, my true child in the faith: Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord" (1 Timothy 1:2). Paul, in a spiritual sense, fathered Timothy in many ways. I wonder how often Timothy was disciplined for his actions. I wonder how often Paul had to call Timothy out for his mistakes. I wonder how much love Paul gave to Timothy. What an amazing relationship!
Do you come to God almighty as His adopted child? Do you come to Him with a love and respect as a child as for His Father? John writes, "See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God; and such we are. For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him" (1 John 3:1). Do you live like a child of the Father?
I celebrate today that I am an adopted child of God Almighty. The doctrine of adoption is a beautiful adoption indeed. I will probaly touch base on that later. Enjoy time today with your Father.
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