Monday, November 10, 2008

To Preach or not to Preach... that is the question

This afternoon, a great friend came by my office for a time of fellowship. My friend, Canyon, is a passionate preacher of the Gospel. This afternoon, he went to Kennesaw State University, and exercised his 1st ammendment right. On a box, Canyon proclaimed the Gospel to students as they walked in between classes. Many of us would probaly be scared to even think about doing something like that. However, Canyon, with the power of the Holy Spirit; proclaims Christ in places and situations that most of us would avoid. I'm encouraged by Canyon.

In Romans 10:14-15, Paul writes, "How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, "HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THOSE WHO BRING GOOD NEWS OF GOOD THINGS!" Within these verses, Paul quotes out of Isaiah 52:7. I love the language here. The idea of "beautiful are the feet." In the Greek, we see the word horaios ho-rah'-yos: (belonging to the right hour or season (timely), i.e. (by implication) flourishing, and beautiful). This word is powerful! At the right hour of season, while flourishing and full of beauty; the Gospel is proclaimed! We don't all have to get on boxes and only go to campuses... we can preach the Gospel to our neighbors. We can preach at work, or at school. Paul also said in 2 Timothy 4:2, "preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction." We are to be prepared to preach! Always. You know how we do that? Here is how we get ready...

We must know Christ!!! If someone were to ask me why I'm married to my wife, I won't say "let me think about that... and then I'll be ready to answer that question." NO! What kind of husband would that make me? I promise you that if you ever ask me that question, I'll give you several reasons! I know my bride and I can talk about her because of the genuine, daily love and pursuit I have for her... Here is my point:

Many confessing Christians pray a prayer and then continue on with their lives like nothing has changed. They don't daily seek the Lord. They don't study His Word. They don't worship. I can go on... No wonder why proclaiming the Gospel to others is a challenge! They don't know Christ! I believe knowing Christ is far more than just simply talking to Him once. What kind of husband would I be if I only talked to Brooke once? What kind of marriage would we have? It would be BAD. Salvation, according to Scripture, is broken down by justification, sanctification, and glorification. I was saved, I am being saved, I will be saved. It is a life lived for the eternal glory of God! It is a life radically transformed from the inside out; by the grace of the Almighty. I know my dear friend preaches at KSU because of the fact that the Gospel has transformed Him. It wasn't a simple decision he made once... It was the gift of God's grace that led him to inherit beautiful feet to bring the good news. Please join me as I pray for Canyon and praise the Lord for the passion that dwells in his soul.

Today, are you preaching the Gospel? Are you proclaiming to others the incredible victory that Christ Jesus won on the cross, for the glory of the Father? Where are your feet leading you? May our feet be beautiful as we daily preach the Gospel to the lost. Oh, Father, by your grace, please send us by your Spirit, to daily proclaim the glorious riches of Jesus Christ, Your Son, to all nations.

How beautiful the feet... I want to join Spurgeon when he wrote, "Whatever subject I preach, I do not stop until I reach the Savior, the Lord Jesus, for in Him are all things"

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