Friday, November 14, 2008

What do you seek first?

In Matthew 6:33, Jesus spoke these words, "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you." I love this verse. I love this challenge. I love this daily pursuit. What do you seek first?

This morning, I had the privilege of speaking at the F.C.A. at Durham middle school. The main point for my message to the students was to focus on the beautiful truth that we worship, "The everlasting God." During the message, I shared with the students the frustrations and let-downs we receive when we seek other things outside His kingdom. It was a privilege to share, for it served as a warm reminder of my thankfulness for seeking first His Kingdom. What do you seek first?

For years, I sought after sports, music, movies, friends, etc. for my satisfaction. I would care more about who won last night's game then I would about living daily for the King. I would memorize baseball stats and neglect His Word. I would collect new music and memorize the lyrics and neglect His Word. I would invest all my free time with friends and neglect His Word. This question haunted me for years. What do you seek first?

This year, I've chosen not to watch much television. On occasion, Brooke and I will watch a movie, but outside that; our tv stays off. It's been so refreshing for me to have more time with the Lord. My quiet times are in the morning because of the fact that I want to seek Him first before I leave my home. I choose to memorize scripture daily because I want to seek Him in His Word first. I couldn't tell you today who was traded or who won last night, because lately I've come to the conclusion that I just don't care. I'm amazed by His kingdom. I'm amazed by Him. I marvel at His greatness; 3 in 1. I daily desire to seek Him first... and only Him!

Sports will come and go. Seasons will end. New bands will come into play, and then years later will be forgotten. Movies will last a short time until they are brought into the shadows of others. So many things that we seek are just temporary. Look at Psalm 90:2. We worship the everlasting God! El Olam! Why wouldn't I seek Him first? By seeking Him on this side of glory, I'll be drawn to more excitement of Him on the other side of glory! I can join Paul in Philippians 1:21, when he said, "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."

What do you seek first? This blog isn't a strong exposition of the text. My goal is to encourage you today with the question; what do you seek first? I pray our gracious Father, through His glorious Son, and powerful Spirit will draw you into the beauty and joy it is to daily seek Him first.

1 comment:

Bruce Simon said...

Hey Dave, I want to encourage you (while it is still today) to keep pressing on toward the goal my brother. Keep seeking first after His kingdom. Excellent post.
